Joined Artfinder: Sept. 2014

Artworks for sale: 140


United Kingdom


  • Biography

    Jane began painting with watercolours in 2005, giving up her career in 2011 to allow her the freedom to devote herself to her art.  Jane is now a member of several local art groups and societies.  She has become increasingly successful in selling her watercolours in exhibitions, and nationally and internationally through the internet.

    This Gallery features paintings selected from my collection.  I hope you enjoy them and find something that appeals to you.   My first love was watercolour but now I also paint in oils.   I like to experiment with a variety of subjects, styles and techniques, expressing whatever inspires me in the moment.  This may be the local landscape, places I visit, the things around me or just arising from an image or experience.   If you choose to purchase one of my works I really do hope it gives you as much pleasure as it gave me in creating it.  I also undertake architectural commissions.  If you are interested contact me with a photo and some details for a quote.

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    Previous events

    Event: Network Arts Summer Exhibition

    Dates: 28 May 2016 - 26 Jun 2016

    Venue: Abington Park Museum, Northampton

    An Exhibition of Network Arts Members work. Entry to the exhibition is free.


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Previous events

Event: Network Arts Summer Exhibition

Dates: 28 May 2016 - 26 Jun 2016

Venue: Abington Park Museum, Northampton

An Exhibition of Network Arts Members work. Entry to the exhibition is free.



Jane began painting with watercolours in 2005, giving up her career in 2011 to allow her the freedom to devote herself to her art.  Jane is now a member of several local art groups and societies.  She has become increasingly successful in selling her watercolours in exhibitions, and nationally and internationally through the internet.

This Gallery features paintings selected from my collection.  I hope you enjoy them and find something that appeals to you.   My first love was watercolour but now I also paint in oils.   I like to experiment with a variety of subjects, styles and techniques, expressing whatever inspires me in the moment.  This may be the local landscape, places I visit, the things around me or just arising from an image or experience.   If you choose to purchase one of my works I really do hope it gives you as much pleasure as it gave me in creating it.  I also undertake architectural commissions.  If you are interested contact me with a photo and some details for a quote.