About Jackie Smith
Runner Up Place
Runner Up Place
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Event: Open Art Exhibition 2017
Dates: 26 Aug 2017 - 16 Sep 2017
Lovelys Gallery presents it’s annual Open Art exhibition. The exhibition, now in its 6th year, provides emerging artist of all ages, both amateur and professional, the opportunity to display their work to the public in one of Kent’s oldest galleries! The exhibition features a range of original paintings, photography, ceramics, needlework, mixed media and print work.
The exhibition is from Saturday 26th August-Saturday 16th September.
For a long time I've been happy selling direct to collectors, but 2017 saw my first paintings submitted and accepted into an exhibition.
August/September 2017; Lovelys, Kent.
One of my plein air paintings of Margate was selected to be reproduced as a cover for a book of poetry in 2019.
My paintings are now sold through a lovely gallery in the high street of picturesque Sandgate, near Folkestone, at Glimpse@53.
Thank you again, Jackie.