About Jacqualine Zonneveld
2009 - 2013
Free Acadamy of Holistic Art "The Path"
There are no upcoming events
Hi, welcome to my shop on Artfinder! My name is Jacqualine Zonneveld. I'm a Dutch artist/painter and beautyseeker as well. Ever since I was a child the world of imagination attracted me a lot. I have a huge desire to create…driven by curiosity, eagerness to learn and personal growth. When I am painting or creating I feel fulfilled and in my element.
The beauty of people, nature or common things makes me get up my brush. So I do both intuitive painting and working realistic from the outer observation as well. In 2013 I finished a four year Holistic Art education at the Free Academy of Holistic Art "The Path" in The Netherlands. I also followed different courses in model/portrait, free style painting and a few masterclasses Plein Air painting and Mixed media.
My paintings can be typed by a smooth and loose touch in a layering style with rather dynamic brushstrokes. They can be both expressive in color as well as sereen and tranquil. The polarities of strength and vulnerability are almost always visible in my work.
I love to work with "head, heart and hands" and let inspiration flow from inside out. While painting I contact deeper layers within myself that I cannot put into words. This helps me to first internalize the feelings I experience and from there express them in my art. I want to bring out what touches me in the subject…turning the inside out.
I hope you will experience your own emotions when facing my art. If something touches you in my work, no matter if it's positive or negative... it's always the mirrorring of something that is already inside of you as well as observer. After all we are all connected as one.
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