Ivan Stoyanov

Joined Artfinder: Jan. 2021

Artworks for sale: 112



About Ivan Stoyanov

  • Biography
    Creating fine art is an integral and intimate part of my life. I draw and model from an early age, as well as learn about the mystery of the world through this activity. For me, inspiration is created by the artist himself at work, and art is a way to understand and reveal the spiritual world of things. This is a noble mission, revealing new worlds and dimensions to humanity. I headed to the monumental sculpture because it has the power to change the space through the language of art. For me, in this language, there was always something exalted and inexplicable. Something that has attracted and touched people for thousands of years. Understanding the language of art, we return to the knowledge of our own ancestors. Maybe because it carries the energy and information of humanity through time. Immersed in the vast space of art, we meet the dreams that give rise to our bright future. Artfinder gives me the opportunity to share my art, as well as make a living with what I love.
  • Links
  • Education

    2002 - 2010

    National Academy of fine Arts "Nicolay Pavlovich" Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Awards


    First prize for sculpture

    2nd National exhibition of fine arts, Hall "Sirak Skitnik", Sliven

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    Win a competition for monumental sculpture

    Competition for monumental sculpture "Entry sign for village Belchin".
  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events



2002 - 2010

National Academy of fine Arts "Nicolay Pavlovich" Sofia, Bulgaria



First prize for sculpture

2nd National exhibition of fine arts, Hall "Sirak Skitnik", Sliven

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Win a competition for monumental sculpture

Competition for monumental sculpture "Entry sign for village Belchin".

There are no upcoming events



Creating fine art is an integral and intimate part of my life. I draw and model from an early age, as well as learn about the mystery of the world through this activity. For me, inspiration is created by the artist himself at work, and art is a way to understand and reveal the spiritual world of things. This is a noble mission, revealing new worlds and dimensions to humanity. I headed to the monumental sculpture because it has the power to change the space through the language of art. For me, in this language, there was always something exalted and inexplicable. Something that has attracted and touched people for thousands of years. Understanding the language of art, we return to the knowledge of our own ancestors. Maybe because it carries the energy and information of humanity through time. Immersed in the vast space of art, we meet the dreams that give rise to our bright future. Artfinder gives me the opportunity to share my art, as well as make a living with what I love.