Ivan Jones

Joined Artfinder: Aug. 2015

Artworks for sale: 21


United Kingdom

Updates from Ivan Jones's studio

  • Working on my latest piece of art which has already sold!

    Working on my latest piece of art which has already sold!

    This is a collage of the steps taken to create a stunning kingfisher in soft pastel.

    02 November 2016

    At work on my latest portrait commission

    At work on my latest portrait commission

    This is Brody, as always completed in soft pastels and pastel pencils, and I am very pleased with how he has turned out. My wife Cath took the photographs and the children’s mother and I chose the best ones of each – you can see Brody with James on my blog https://ivanjonesart.wordpress.com/ I have just started the third son, Cosmo, and it has taken me about 60 hours to get the necessary detail on each brother so far. I will be posted a full “work in progress” in due course with more details of how I use pastels and pastel pencils. You can see more of my work on ivanjonesart.co.uk facebook.com/ivanjonesart and facebook.com/pastelworkinprogress!

    22 May 2016


    Have created another short video to show my "pastel work in progress" this time of this Herefordshire autumn woodland scene. A bit more slick than my first one including a 10 second slideshow from beginning to end and a short section of me drawing branches in real time. Just over a minute for the video in total so have a quick look if you are interested. My next one will be a greyhound commission with more video clips as well as more detail of the work in progress....I have yet to work out how to add music though! Would be interested in your thoughts and constructive criticism....Many thanks and catch up soon!

    29 April 2016

    The Aviator

    The Aviator

    This fascinating image, from a photo by Bong Santos, really appealed to me with the twinkle in the eyes, the detail of the flying cap and the wonderful whiskers. I feel I have done the image justice and the completed pastel painting will be for sale at the Palace Art-fest in Hereford April 29th to May 2nd 2016

    30 March 2016

    My current pastel artwork in progress

    My current pastel artwork in progress

    This is my current piece - I have sold two horses at Sable and Hogg Gallery in Brecon, Powys, in the past six months and I hope this proves just as popular. I enjoy the horse work and being able to capture the detail and the beauty of these magnificent creatures. Having been a vet I have a good understanding of horses and their anatomy....

    17 February 2016

    Working on my latest piece of a sunset over a canal......

    Working on my latest piece of a sunset over a canal......

    Here I am studying the photograph I am working from, to decide what pastels and pastel pencils I will need to use next. Looking forward to starting on the water and the reflections - it will be the highlight of the painting.....

    22 January 2016

    My latest commission delights the owner

    My latest commission delights the owner

    This commission was undertaken from a photo taken by my wife Cath in November. Cath took over 100 images and owner Helen and myself decided which best showed his character. He is 15 years old and Helen was delighted and nearly in tears when she received the completed painting for Christmas. As usual I spent a lot of time on the detail of the fur, whiskers, eyes and so on using pastel pencils, with soft pastel to fill in the background layers on Canson MiTientes Touch pastel paper. You can see how I create my artwork if you are interested at facebook.com/pastelworkinprogress

    27 December 2015

    At work on "Practice Session"

    At work on "Practice Session"

    Here I am working on the ballerina's arm with white pastel pencil adding highlights.

    12 November 2015

    Working on my current piece, Donkeys at Gigrin Farm

    Working on my current piece, Donkeys at Gigrin Farm

    Here I am using a bladeholder to secure the last piece of pastel pencil and make sure it is completely used up.

    03 September 2015