About Irina Greciuhina
For many years I have been leading an architectural bureau, working closely with interiors, textures, colors and product design. Architectural background is giving me a lot of ideas and knowledge, that I am transforming into my artworks. I am perceiving a process of the art creation as my personal cult and intimate ritual which gives me a freedom of expression.
In my artistic practice I am interested in recording and showing the diversity and ambiguity of human nature as well as the mystery of all aspects of human personality. The main theme of my art is a study of the archetypes of a woman. It is performed by the recreation of female images from different sources around me, including everyday life, fashion magazines and even internet. I am wondering how personality and world perception of a woman can be affected by the external factors such as giving birth to a child, building a family or even changing the gender roles. The choice of this subject is stipulated by a continuous self-study, as an artist and as a woman, thus perceiving it as the most interesting and the dearest topic to me.
Depicting female figures in my own way, I am placing them in the most unusual settings coming from the depth of my subconsciousness. Surrealism and interpretation of dreams, became strong references to me, but I am expressing it in a post-modern way, mixing bright colors, catchy poses from the posters, decorative elements and patterns with the typical elements of pop art. Full of peculiar details, my artworks are inviting the viewer to wonder, who are these women on the canvas and what is their story.
Being in a constant search, I find inspiration in different personalities and periods of art history, starting from Classical art and Japanese graphics, continuing with the philosophy of Kandinsky, characters of Tamara Lempicka and experimentation of the creative group AES+F.