Inga Makarova

Joined Artfinder: April 2020

Artworks for sale: 137



About Inga Makarova

  • Biography
    Since early childhood I was always drawing or painting something. However, in my teenage years I newer perceived art as something serious, something one can do for a living. I used to think that I need a “serious” and down to earth profession, while art will remain as something for my soul, a hobby to enjoy during my free time. Consequently, my way to becoming a professional artist started with me graduating Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design with a degree of a graphics designer, followed by working for some time in that profession. And all this, just to understand that it is not where I belong. Now, after almost a decade, my way of thinking completely changed. I am sure that you should enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy. It is impossible to create something meaningful and important if you don’t love what you do, if you have no passion for it. And if you love what you do, it will never turn into a boring routine.

    I am always in search of a new, unique, and interesting themes and subjects for my artworks. And even if I choose an ordinary theme, I try to transfer it to canvas in a unique and fresh manner. My early works were often based on subjects from the world of fashion, where I had some experience in modelling myself. I often turn to depicting dogs in my artworks. I love dogs and I always had one or two dogs around in my family. Who knows what will be in focus of my art next? What I am sure about, is that I will never imitate, but will always try to innovate!

    Style or technique of an artwork is not as important for me, as the process of its creation and the result that I receive at the end. I am permanently in search for new themes, concepts, images, new combination of colours and forms. Lately, in addition to my experiments with various sources of light, like neon or LED that are used directly in the artwork, I also started experimenting with various objects that are often quite far from art, for example sport jackets, tableware, cutlery, and even cigarette butts.
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Since early childhood I was always drawing or painting something. However, in my teenage years I newer perceived art as something serious, something one can do for a living. I used to think that I need a “serious” and down to earth profession, while art will remain as something for my soul, a hobby to enjoy during my free time. Consequently, my way to becoming a professional artist started with me graduating Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design with a degree of a graphics designer, followed by working for some time in that profession. And all this, just to understand that it is not where I belong. Now, after almost a decade, my way of thinking completely changed. I am sure that you should enjoy what you do and do what you enjoy. It is impossible to create something meaningful and important if you don’t love what you do, if you have no passion for it. And if you love what you do, it will never turn into a boring routine.

I am always in search of a new, unique, and interesting themes and subjects for my artworks. And even if I choose an ordinary theme, I try to transfer it to canvas in a unique and fresh manner. My early works were often based on subjects from the world of fashion, where I had some experience in modelling myself. I often turn to depicting dogs in my artworks. I love dogs and I always had one or two dogs around in my family. Who knows what will be in focus of my art next? What I am sure about, is that I will never imitate, but will always try to innovate!

Style or technique of an artwork is not as important for me, as the process of its creation and the result that I receive at the end. I am permanently in search for new themes, concepts, images, new combination of colours and forms. Lately, in addition to my experiments with various sources of light, like neon or LED that are used directly in the artwork, I also started experimenting with various objects that are often quite far from art, for example sport jackets, tableware, cutlery, and even cigarette butts.