About Hiranya R
2010 - 2012
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University (RMIT University)
BigCi Artist residency of 4 weeks
John Villiers memorial out back art prize
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Event: Sense of Place
Dates: 8 Aug 2021 - 15 Sep 2021
John Villiers memorial art exhibition
Hiranya is a classical figurative artist who exclusively produces works derived from memories and experiences
through various reflexions of today’s social, cultural and economic ambience.
Bold colours and symbolism are a focus point.
She is currently working on two series, a Summer-floral themed series and another called 'Tea Room' which is a personal fascination.
Summer-floral theme is titled "FLORA'S SECRET" where the artist is breaking all the boundaries of colour and patterns with lots of details around the female identity.
"TEA ROOM" series on the other hand stays within stripe patterns on the subject's outfit, starting from simpler-minimal story to sophisticated tales with her personal favourites; colourful tea cups and tea pots, and all other details come with it.
Each work takes its own significant time to finish based on the amount of details going in.
The beauty of every aspect and little details of each work is extremely important to the artist.
Hence they are carefully realised.