About Hilde Hoekstra
1987 - 1991
The Royal Academy of Art The Hague
1985 - 1987
Amsterdamse Grafische School
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Event: Amstelveen En Plein Air 2024
Dates: 18 May 2024 - 20 May 2024
During this three-day event, artists from all over the country are invited to create a work of art in one day on site in the small city of Amstelveen. The work has to be handed in at 5:00 PM and in the evening the exhibition is set up in the renowned COBRA museum. The next two days the exhibition is visited by residents and interested parties and many works will be sold and connections are made.
It is very special for viewers and visitors to witness the creating process and admire -or even own- the end result in a museum setting.
Event: On the Salon Wall
Dates: 3 May 2024 - 31 May 2024
In the month of May a work of mine (a digital painting beautifully printed on dibond) will be part of the Salon Wall exhibition the gallery organises. The 'Salon-Style Hang' is a method of displaying artworks in a stacked format – both horizontally and vertically. The style originated in the 1660s with the Royal Academy in Paris (the annual graduates exhibition of the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture).
Event: On the Salon Wall
Dates: 1 Feb 2024 - 25 Feb 2024
In the month of Februari a work of mine (a dyptich) will be part of the Salon Wall exhibition the gallery organises. The 'Salon-Style Hang' is a method of displaying artworks in a stacked format – both horizontally and vertically. The style originated in the 1660s with the Royal Academy in Paris (the annual graduates exhibition of the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture).
Event: Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam
Dates: 1 Nov 2023 - 5 Nov 2023
In november 2023, Affordable Art Fair Amsterdam was back at De Kromhouthal for its 17th edition. An artistic adventure with 1000s of contemporary artworks from over 70 Dutch and international galleries.
Event: Open Ateliers Amstelveen
Dates: 9 Jun 2023 - 18 Jun 2023
A central exhibition was organized in the museum of works by all artists who participated in the 'Open Ateliers Route'. All artists of the AmstellandKunst association opened their studio to the public.
Event: On the Salon Wall
Dates: 1 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2023
Since January 2023 I have been regularly represented by gallery 'DeNieuweGalerie' in Amstelveen. Every other month there is a work of art of mine in the permanent exhibition
Event: Lustrum exhibition AmstellandKunst
Dates: 25 Nov 2022 - 27 Nov 2022
A big retrospective exhibition to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the artists' association AmstellandKunst that I joined years before.
Event: The right for Art
Dates: 5 Nov 2022 - 13 Nov 2022
With the Artist Association ‘Kunstruim’ we designed a BIG group exhibition around the theme ‘the right FOR-, TO- and FROM art’. It turned out a very lively event with artist talks, workshops and art routes in the big company buildings around the venue. A very successful event that made the newspaper!
Event: Dutch portrait association ‘Our Loved Ones’
Dates: 21 Oct 2022 - 23 Oct 2022
I was honoured to be selected by the ‘Dutch Portrait Association’ for this exhibition titled ‘Our loved ones’ with my portrait of the 14-year old Lukas, our HeartKid.
Event: Amstelveen En Plein Air
Dates: 10 Sep 2022 - 11 Sep 2022
During this two-day event, artists from all over the country were invited to create a work of art in one day on site in the small city of Amstelveen. The work had to be handed in at 5:00 PM and in the evening the exhibition was set up in the renowned COBRA museum. The next day the exhibition was visited by residents and interested parties and many works were sold and connections were made.
Event: The Dutch Landscape
Dates: 1 Aug 2022 - 2 Oct 2022
A retrospective of the typical polder landscapes of the artist Hilde Hoekstra.
Event: Art Route / Kunstroute Amstelglorie
Dates: 10 Jun 2022 - 12 Jun 2022
Artists were invited to each house or shed in the garden park to show and possibly sell work for a long weekend. They were sunny, cheerful days and the turnout was great. This event will be repeated in the spring of 2024.
Event: Long Live Rembrandt (dutch: Lang leve Rembrandt!)
Dates: 15 Jul 2019 - 15 Sep 2019
Long Live Rembrandt
More than 8,000 people in 95 countries responded to our open call to submit self-made artworks inspired by Rembrandt. An expert panel of judges selected 575 works made by a total of 693 people for inclusion in the Long Live Rembrandt exhibition. The themes of the exhibition emerged from similarities between works made by the many different artists. These themes include ‘The Night Watch’, ‘Portraits in the style of Rembrandt’ and ‘Rembrandt the storyteller’.
Pieter Roelofs, chair of the panel of judges and head of painting and sculpture at the Rijksmuseum: The infectious creativity of the artists and the sheer variety of submissions has made the selection and curation of this exhibition an absolute joy. In Long Live Rembrandt we see the master through the eyes of the artists. This exhibition is not just about Rembrandt, it’s about us all.
Event: Leap of Faith (solo)
Dates: 13 Oct 2018 - 3 Dec 2018
De expositie (te zien tot en met 3 december) omvat enkele grote panelen in olieverf en een aantal kleinere doeken en monoprints. De titel (vrij vertaald: ‘sprong in het diepe’), verwijst naar het moment waarop een belangrijke stap in iemands leven wordt gezet. “Mijn uitgangspunt is de impulsieve beslissing waarvan je de gevolgen niet kunt overzien,” zegt Hoekstra.
In haar werk zet Hoekstra de tijd op een cruciaal moment stil, als in een stilstaand beeld van een film. Zo zie je in één van haar werken hoe een verliefd stel er vandoor lijkt te gaan. Een ander werk suggereert dat een hond nét is ontsnapt. Er staat iets te gebeuren of er is net iets gebeurd. De sfeer kan zowel hoopvol zijn als dreigend - de toeschouwer wordt uitgenodigd zelf het verhaal te bedenken.
Event: Here and Gone, duo-exhibition
Dates: 5 May 2017 - 27 May 2017
"Raw images and bright eyes. There is a necessity from the art of Fred Boven and Hilde Hoekstra. The works of impermanence by Boven and the solidified moments of Hoekstra depict the elusiveness of life and death"
Event: The artists of art group 'Atelier 26'
Dates: 10 Oct 2014 - 31 Dec 2014
Retrospective exhibition of seven years of work of approx. 10-15 painters from Amsterdam that come together in a large studio to paint, study and learn from each other.
Event: EAT!
Dates: 30 Aug 2013 - 24 Sep 2013
With my art company 'Atelier 26' we worked on the theme 'EAT!' about food, eating and 'eat or be eaten'..
Event: Squares
Dates: 20 Feb 2011 - 18 Apr 2011
My Art group 'Atelier 26' was invited to create and exhibit works inspired by the word and meaning of 'squares' in the city.
Hilde about her work:
“I make use of various techniques to surprise and refresh myself. Painting with oils or
acrylics, printing, drawing, - nothing is
fixed. Printing gives me the pleasure of surprise. It always turns out
different than expected, which in turn triggers new painting ideas! I get
inspired by music, everyday life and nature. Animals play a big part in my work
– it feels like they can tell a tale that’s already in my mind. A tale without a
beginning or an end, but with a feel of importance, like a freeze frame in a