Helen Boden

Joined Artfinder: April 2013

Artworks for sale: 118


United Kingdom

About Helen Boden

  • Biography

    Helen Boden is a professional printmaker who graduated from Chelsea School of Art in 1991 with a masters in Printmaking. Since then she has taught at colleges and been an editioner-  printing etchings and collagraphs to a high standard for many artists. In 2008 she set up Bodenpress printmaking studio that is fully equipped for all intaglio and relief printmaking techniques. The workshop promotes the traditional methods of hand-inked plates and printed using a hand pulled etching press.

    Helens own work considers the structure of architecture,  a decorative feature becomes part of the composition and the piece develops through the print stages. The golden section helps form part of the planning stage of a composition.

  • Links
  • Education

    1990 - 1991

    Chelsea school of Art, London

    1987 - 1990

    Coventry University

  • Awards


    The Betjeman society Award (Highly commended)

    The Poetics of Print was exhibited at the Highgate gallery in April/May 2021
    This collection of work took its theme Metroland and other poems by John Betjeman.

    The John Betjeman society award to those who support and help keep Betjeman’s work alive and relevant today.
  • Upcoming Events

    Upcoming events

    Event: The Words

    Dates: 8 May 2025 - 22 May 2025

    Venue: The Collective gallery, St Albans

    This is a literary inspired printmaking exhibition influenced by the novels of Daphne du Maurier. 12 artists have taken the challenge of reading her work and with their own style completed 4 original prints using traditional printmaking terchniques such as linocut, screenprint, etching and monotype.
    There will be an artist at the gallery everyday to enhance the vistors understanding of the work.

    Show previous events Hide previous events

    Previous events

    Event: A Walk with Laurie

    Dates: 10 May 2024 - 23 May 2024

    Venue: Highgate Gallery, London

    A literary themed exhibition by Bodenpress artists.
    12 printmakers show their original prints that are a response to Laurie Lee’s writing of people and place

    Event: A Walk with Laurie

    Dates: 14 Mar 2023 - 26 Mar 2023

    Venue: The Collective gallery, St Albans

    Inspired by the novels of Laurie Lee,. His poetic and descriptive writing sparks a creative mind to conjure up an interpretation.
    Artists have created the work at Bodenpress Printmaking studio and made traditional prints in their own style
    12 Artists showing over 48 pieces
    The gallery is open Tuesday to Sundays 10-4.30pm

    Event: Woolf in Print

    Dates: 11 Apr 2022 - 23 Apr 2022

    Venue: The Green and Stone gallery, 251-253 Fulham road, London SW3 6HY

    This group exhibition shows the work of Twelve artists who work with a variety of printmaking techniques such as Polymer Etching, Relief print, Linocut, Collagraph, Monotype and Screenprint.

    The unifying theme of the show is Virginia Woolf’s novels and her creative writings.
    Each artist has read them to create sparks of inspiration for their work.

    Event: The Poetics of Print

    Dates: 28 May 2021 - 10 Jun 2021

    Venue: The Highgate Gallery, London

    The Poetics of Print shows fourteen artists' interpretations of John Betjeman's 'Metroland' and other selected poems. Bodenpress printmaking studio exhibits a diverse range of printmaking technioques and styles on a uniform scale, as each piece considers movement and a new era of travel. This exhibition will be an informative exploration of traditional print. Catalogue available.

    Event: A Twist on Dahl

    Dates: 4 Mar 2019 - 16 Mar 2019

    Venue: The Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Herts

    It’s Dahl but not as you know it… A collective of 12 printmakers from Bodenpress in Bucks have given their take on the adult works of Roald Dahl. Each artist has produced three works inspired by the stories, and a different one will be at the gallery on every day of the exhibition to talk about how they created them.

    Event: A is for Agatha

    Dates: 5 Mar 2018 - 17 Mar 2018

    Venue: The Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Herts

    A collective group of Printmakers under the guidance of Helen Boden have produced a series of work interpreting the novels of Agatha Christie.
    14 artists each read a book and in their own style and printmaking medium created three works each.
    With the kind permission of The Agatha Christie society we are able to have an extract of words exhibited next to the work.

    Event: 'Our journey' with Greene

    Dates: 13 Mar 2017 - 25 Mar 2017

    Venue: The Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Herts

    Curated by Helen Boden, this is a literary printmaking exhibition.
    This exhibition will show work by 14 artists who have read a book by Graham Greene and have interpreted it in their own style. A triptych of three pieces each will be hung to describe each book.
    Catalogues available.

    Event: Making an Impression

    Dates: 8 Oct 2016 - 5 Nov 2016

    Venue: Bucks County Museum, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

    A wonderful exhibition of stunning and affordable hand pulled prints by members of the Beds, Bucks & Herts Print Society. On display will be a rich variety of prints made by different printmaking techniques including woodblock, linocut, screenprint, collograph, solarprint and drypoint. Each method has its own distinct surface which complements the artist’s style.
    Artists will be there each Saturday to talk about their work.
    www.buckscountymuseum.org to check the artists list.

    Event: Come up and see my etchings

    Dates: 26 Sep 2016 - 8 Oct 2016

    Venue: Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK

    A good selection of original prints from Bodenpress artists. Showing a large variety of techniques from traditional to modern forms of Fine Art printmaking.

    Event: Off the Wall

    Dates: 14 Nov 2015 - 12 Dec 2015

    Venue: Bucks County Museum, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

    Selected Bucks Artists show their work including Printmaking, painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Textiles and Hand made books.

    Event: National Original Print

    Dates: 16 Sep 2014 - 28 Sep 2014

    Venue: Bankside Gallery, 48 Hopton Street, London, SE1 9JH

    A open submission exhibition that has been judged to promote the best of printmaking to a wider audience.

    Event: BBH printmaking exhibition

    Dates: 5 Sep 2014 - 5 Oct 2014

    Venue: Obsidian Art Gallery, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks

    An original printmaking exhibition from selected members of the Beds Bucks and Herts printmaking society.

    Event: Artists Outside the Classroom

    Dates: 28 Jul 2014 - 2 Aug 2014

    Venue: 54 The Gallery, London, Mayfair

    Nine Art teachers show off their skills.
    Limited editioned prints, paintings, ceramics and textiles explore the themes of London, birds, figures and landscapes.

    Event: Flower Power

    Dates: 11 Jun 2014 - 5 Jul 2014

    Venue: Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK

    A mixed summer exhibition

    Event: The New Georgians

    Dates: 3 May 2014 - 27 Jul 2014

    Venue: Orleans House Gallery, Riverside, Twickenham, TW1 3DJ

    A contemporary outlook exploring the theme of architecture.

    Event: Impression

    Dates: 17 Mar 2014 - 29 Mar 2014

    Venue: Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK

    Bodenpress will be exhibiting a range of the prints made at the printmaking studio. A wide range of mediums including linocut, collagraph, drypoint monoprint and screenprint.



1990 - 1991

Chelsea school of Art, London

1987 - 1990

Coventry University



The Betjeman society Award (Highly commended)

The Poetics of Print was exhibited at the Highgate gallery in April/May 2021
This collection of work took its theme Metroland and other poems by John Betjeman.

The John Betjeman society award to those who support and help keep Betjeman’s work alive and relevant today.

Upcoming events

Event: The Words

Dates: 8 May 2025 - 22 May 2025

Venue: The Collective gallery, St Albans

This is a literary inspired printmaking exhibition influenced by the novels of Daphne du Maurier. 12 artists have taken the challenge of reading her work and with their own style completed 4 original prints using traditional printmaking terchniques such as linocut, screenprint, etching and monotype.
There will be an artist at the gallery everyday to enhance the vistors understanding of the work.

Show previous events Hide previous events

Previous events

Event: A Walk with Laurie

Dates: 10 May 2024 - 23 May 2024

Venue: Highgate Gallery, London

A literary themed exhibition by Bodenpress artists.
12 printmakers show their original prints that are a response to Laurie Lee’s writing of people and place

Event: A Walk with Laurie

Dates: 14 Mar 2023 - 26 Mar 2023

Venue: The Collective gallery, St Albans

Inspired by the novels of Laurie Lee,. His poetic and descriptive writing sparks a creative mind to conjure up an interpretation.
Artists have created the work at Bodenpress Printmaking studio and made traditional prints in their own style
12 Artists showing over 48 pieces
The gallery is open Tuesday to Sundays 10-4.30pm

Event: Woolf in Print

Dates: 11 Apr 2022 - 23 Apr 2022

Venue: The Green and Stone gallery, 251-253 Fulham road, London SW3 6HY

This group exhibition shows the work of Twelve artists who work with a variety of printmaking techniques such as Polymer Etching, Relief print, Linocut, Collagraph, Monotype and Screenprint.

The unifying theme of the show is Virginia Woolf’s novels and her creative writings.
Each artist has read them to create sparks of inspiration for their work.

Event: The Poetics of Print

Dates: 28 May 2021 - 10 Jun 2021

Venue: The Highgate Gallery, London

The Poetics of Print shows fourteen artists' interpretations of John Betjeman's 'Metroland' and other selected poems. Bodenpress printmaking studio exhibits a diverse range of printmaking technioques and styles on a uniform scale, as each piece considers movement and a new era of travel. This exhibition will be an informative exploration of traditional print. Catalogue available.

Event: A Twist on Dahl

Dates: 4 Mar 2019 - 16 Mar 2019

Venue: The Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Herts

It’s Dahl but not as you know it… A collective of 12 printmakers from Bodenpress in Bucks have given their take on the adult works of Roald Dahl. Each artist has produced three works inspired by the stories, and a different one will be at the gallery on every day of the exhibition to talk about how they created them.

Event: A is for Agatha

Dates: 5 Mar 2018 - 17 Mar 2018

Venue: The Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Herts

A collective group of Printmakers under the guidance of Helen Boden have produced a series of work interpreting the novels of Agatha Christie.
14 artists each read a book and in their own style and printmaking medium created three works each.
With the kind permission of The Agatha Christie society we are able to have an extract of words exhibited next to the work.

Event: 'Our journey' with Greene

Dates: 13 Mar 2017 - 25 Mar 2017

Venue: The Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Herts

Curated by Helen Boden, this is a literary printmaking exhibition.
This exhibition will show work by 14 artists who have read a book by Graham Greene and have interpreted it in their own style. A triptych of three pieces each will be hung to describe each book.
Catalogues available.

Event: Making an Impression

Dates: 8 Oct 2016 - 5 Nov 2016

Venue: Bucks County Museum, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

A wonderful exhibition of stunning and affordable hand pulled prints by members of the Beds, Bucks & Herts Print Society. On display will be a rich variety of prints made by different printmaking techniques including woodblock, linocut, screenprint, collograph, solarprint and drypoint. Each method has its own distinct surface which complements the artist’s style.
Artists will be there each Saturday to talk about their work.
www.buckscountymuseum.org to check the artists list.

Event: Come up and see my etchings

Dates: 26 Sep 2016 - 8 Oct 2016

Venue: Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK

A good selection of original prints from Bodenpress artists. Showing a large variety of techniques from traditional to modern forms of Fine Art printmaking.

Event: Off the Wall

Dates: 14 Nov 2015 - 12 Dec 2015

Venue: Bucks County Museum, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire

Selected Bucks Artists show their work including Printmaking, painting, Sculpture, Ceramics, Textiles and Hand made books.

Event: National Original Print

Dates: 16 Sep 2014 - 28 Sep 2014

Venue: Bankside Gallery, 48 Hopton Street, London, SE1 9JH

A open submission exhibition that has been judged to promote the best of printmaking to a wider audience.

Event: BBH printmaking exhibition

Dates: 5 Sep 2014 - 5 Oct 2014

Venue: Obsidian Art Gallery, Stoke Mandeville, Bucks

An original printmaking exhibition from selected members of the Beds Bucks and Herts printmaking society.

Event: Artists Outside the Classroom

Dates: 28 Jul 2014 - 2 Aug 2014

Venue: 54 The Gallery, London, Mayfair

Nine Art teachers show off their skills.
Limited editioned prints, paintings, ceramics and textiles explore the themes of London, birds, figures and landscapes.

Event: Flower Power

Dates: 11 Jun 2014 - 5 Jul 2014

Venue: Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK

A mixed summer exhibition

Event: The New Georgians

Dates: 3 May 2014 - 27 Jul 2014

Venue: Orleans House Gallery, Riverside, Twickenham, TW1 3DJ

A contemporary outlook exploring the theme of architecture.

Event: Impression

Dates: 17 Mar 2014 - 29 Mar 2014

Venue: Upstairs Gallery, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, UK

Bodenpress will be exhibiting a range of the prints made at the printmaking studio. A wide range of mediums including linocut, collagraph, drypoint monoprint and screenprint.



Helen Boden is a professional printmaker who graduated from Chelsea School of Art in 1991 with a masters in Printmaking. Since then she has taught at colleges and been an editioner-  printing etchings and collagraphs to a high standard for many artists. In 2008 she set up Bodenpress printmaking studio that is fully equipped for all intaglio and relief printmaking techniques. The workshop promotes the traditional methods of hand-inked plates and printed using a hand pulled etching press.

Helens own work considers the structure of architecture,  a decorative feature becomes part of the composition and the piece develops through the print stages. The golden section helps form part of the planning stage of a composition.