About Heidi Irene Kainulainen
2017 - 2017
Living portraits with Jan-Ove Tuv
2016 - 2016
Workshop with Jan-Ove Tuv
2016 - 2016
Artify kunstkalender konkurranse
Work of Art - Featured artist
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Previous events
Event: Kollektivutstilling
Dates: 4 Nov 2016 - 5 Nov 2016
Group exhibition with Hadeland Billedkunstnere
Event: Lions Club annual art exhibition
Dates: 6 Oct 2016 - 9 Oct 2016
Lions Club annual art exhibition
Event: Galleri bakrommet
Dates: 9 Sep 2016 - 10 Sep 2016
Group exhibition with Hadeland Billedkunstnere
Event: Kollektivutstilling
Dates: 23 Oct 2015 - 24 Oct 2015
A group exhibition with Hadeland Billedkunstnere.
Event: Lions club / Bøler kunstmarked
Dates: 2 Oct 2015 - 4 Oct 2015
Lions Club Olso / Bøler´s annual art marked
Event: Separatutstilling Heidi Irene Kainulainen
Dates: 4 Sep 2015 - 19 Sep 2015
Solo exhibition at Galleri Blåfjell, Ås, Norway
Event: Elva Rundt
Dates: 16 Aug 2015 - 16 Aug 2015
Norways largest art exhibition.
80 artists, 1,6 km.
I grew up in the Norwegian countryside. Every day I am blessed with the beauty of nature just outside of my door. I don`t know what drives me to paint, but I will have no peace of mind if I don´t.
I am a plein air artist. Most of my studies are painted in the big outdoors. Some of the bigger pieces are completed in the studio. I also paint som internal and intuitive landscapes.
The main aspect of my art is the changing light and movement in nature. If you compare it to painting after a photography, there is no movement. It might be beautiful, but still it feels dead. In plein air you study one corner of the landscape, and paint it. Then you paint another corner. When you go back to the first corner, the landscape has already changed. As all these changes are incorporated, you get a piece of living art.