Hans-Gerhard Meyer

Joined Artfinder: Sept. 2015

Artworks for sale: 31


About Hans-Gerhard Meyer

  • Biography
    My painting is about memories of things I have experienced.
    The interpretation of several glances at a situation reflects a longer period:
    the moment. 

    Duties determine our everyday life. It takes time to deal with these. There is no time to lose. This leads to life speeding up. It is difficult to step away from this.
    Still, some situations make us pause. Situations that surprise us, that are sudden or unexpected or that might be created, like pouring a cup of tea. These moments last longer than just a moment. Impressions of experiences are often composed of several views. This takes time. The memory of these moments is the subject of my painting.

    Sometimes, for example, we might look at a certain detail. More glances during these moments might lead to memories of one aspect or another. These recollected glances reflect a longer period than every individual glance. In my paintings the simultaneous depiction of several recollected glances of one moment reflect the interpretation of the memory of a longer period. In this way I condense experience. The memory and the associated choice and interpretation of several glances lead to occultation, overlapping and stringing together of these and in this way the formerly strict sequence becomes varied.

    During a period in which glances and the associated impressions are joined, the respective situation changes constantly. People in front of us move, we are in motion.
    Interpreting the observation from different positions includes temporal changes: on the one hand in our own position of observation which has changed over course of time; on the other hand in the temporal change of the situation which occurs in front of our own eyes; and, thirdly in the differing clarity of our memory of each observation. All these aspects integrate the observer of the painting into the experience of such situations and they do not just leave him in front of the image.
    As in most paintings the other temporal aspect lies in the way the brush leaves traces of paint over the canvas.

    Perception Areas

    These moments representing collages of glances show perception areas and areas of memories as well as their boundaries, all merging, and the gaps in between and around. All points put an emphasis on each memory of single glances and they are design elements prompted by the moments which gave shape to the image.

    Glances Turn into Moments

    The area of our sharpest vision covers only a few degrees and is anatomically assigned to the fovea at the back of our eye. For example if we focus our eyes on the centre of a text page, keeping our eyes still and try to decipher the surrounding part of the text, we then experience the narrow limits of sharp vision. In our daily life we don’t experience this.

    The situation is the sum of gathered glances, our experience, expectations, assessments, interpretations and involuntary eye movements. Gaps do not seem to exist.

    Glances which stay in our memory for longer will be merged with the painting.

    Keeping their independence they will simultaneously chime whereas the pictures on their own could not achieve this. They influence and emphasize each other. The artistic interpretation is also weighting it. The different glances merge to an overall impression – the moment. All glances together narrate more impressively and more vividly than the representation of one glance on its own.

    ‘Installing Perception’

    In its pictorial translation the overall chime of all moments leads to a personal installation of perception. I emphasise this in some paintings more or less clearly, for example by my own knees shown in the paintings. ‘Mittagessen mit Volker’ (Lunch with Volker), ‘Strandkorb’ (Wicker Beach Chair) or by my own feet in the paintings ‘10er’ or ‘3er’.

    Thoughts and reflections on further points are slipped into the images like on the design of the borders of each moment, on the number of moments in each painting, on the choice of image format and much more.

    Several Canvases

    The image design using multiple canvases provides even more extensive options of presentation and interpretation. 

  • Links
  • Education

    1979 - 1984

    Hochschule für Bildende (HfbK) Künste Kassel

  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: WASSER / WATER

    Dates: 2 Apr 2023 - 7 May 2023

    Venue: Friedrichsruh, 21521 Friedrichsruh, Germany

    The past dry summer showed it once again: Water, as the basis of all life, has become a defining issue of our time. In the WATER exhibition at the Otto von Bismarck Foundation, Hans-Gerhard Meyer shows various encounters with the element.

    Event: Zeiträume

    Dates: 23 Oct 2020 - 11 Jul 2021

    Venue: Hamburg, Museum für Bergedorf und die Vierlande, Schlossstr. 1, Bergedorf


    Event: Blickpunkte

    Dates: 11 May 2020 - 30 Nov 2021

    Venue: Hamburg, KSP Kanzlei, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 40, 20355 Hamburg

    KSP Kanzlei Dr. Seegers, Dr. Frankenheim
    Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
    Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 40, 20355 Hamburg, Katalog


    Dates: 20 Jun 2019 - 11 Aug 2019

    Venue: Schloss Reinbek, Schloss Reinbek, Schlossstraße 5, 21465 Reinbek

    Momente, Paintings

    Event: Moments of memory / Momente der Erinnerung

    Dates: 19 Mar 2018 - 22 Apr 2018

    Venue: Hamburg-Bergedorf, Körberstiftung: Haus im Park, Gräpelweg 8

    My painting is about memories of things I have experienced.
    The interpretation of several glances at a situation reflects a longer period:
    the moment

    In meiner Malerei geht es um die Erinnerung an Erlebnisse:
    Die Interpretation mehrerer Blicke zu einem Ereignis gibt einen längeren Zeitraum wieder:
    den Moment

    Event: Kunst trotzt Armut / Art defies poverty

    Dates: 23 Nov 2017 - 7 Dec 2017

    Venue: Hamburg, Hauptkirche St. Jacobi

    Art defies poverty

    Event: Klimawoche-Ausstellung "Umwelt im Ökologiediskurs: Sonne - Wasser - Erde - Luft" /Climate Week Exhibition "Environment in Ecology Discourse: Sun - Water - Earth - Air "

    Dates: 29 Sep 2017 - 20 Dec 2017

    Venue: Hamburg, German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ)

    Painting in the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ), awarded by Galerie KAM
    Malerei im Deutschen Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ), ausgelobt durch Galerie KAM

    Event: altonale

    Dates: 16 Jun 2017 - 2 Jul 2017

    Venue: Hamburg, Altona


    Event: Kunst trotz(t) Armut / Art defies poverty

    Dates: 5 May 2017 - 1 Jun 2017

    Venue: Schacher Raum für Kunst, Stuttgart, Germany

    Art defies poverty

    Event: Traveling Exhibition "Hamburg - Ganz Europa in einer Stadt"

    Dates: 7 Mar 2017 - 14 May 2017

    Venue: Gallery KAM, Lohbrügger Landstr. 5, 21031 Hamburg

    Galery KAM, Lohbrügger Landstr. 5, 21031 Hamburg, opening time: Tu. - Th, 12 - 17h und nach Vereinbarung

    Event: Kunst trotz(t) Armut/Art defies poverty

    Dates: 20 Oct 2016 - 20 Nov 2016

    Venue: D-67435 Neustadt-Mußbach, Herrenhofstraße 15

    Art defies poverty
    Opening times: Sundays: 11 - 18 h, Tu: 9 - 14 h, Wed: 18 - 20 h, Sa: 14 - 18 h

    Event: Kunstmesse / Art fair

    Dates: 15 Oct 2016 - 16 Oct 2016

    Venue: Hamburg-Bergedorf, Bergedorfer Mühle, Chrysanderstr. 52a

    Art fair

    Event: Sabores y Colores del Arte América Latina

    Dates: 1 Oct 2016 - 2 Oct 2016

    Venue: Galerie Kunststätte am Michel, 20459 Hamburg, Neanderstr. 21

    Picture "Kaffee" /"Coffee" inside of the exhibition "Sabores y Colores del Arte América Latina"

    Event: "Umwelt im Ökologiediskurs - Rund um die Elbe" / "Environment Ecology in discourse - Around the river Elbe"

    Dates: 28 Sep 2016 - 30 Jan 2017

    Venue: Hamburg, gallery 25hours, Hotel Altes Hafenamt, Osakaallee 12, 20457 Hamburg

    "Umwelt im Ökologiediskurs - Rund um die Elbe" / "Environment Ecology in discourse - Around the river Elbe", gallery 25hours, Hotel Altes Hafenamt, Osakaallee 12, 20457 Hamburg

    Event: Artshow Bergedorf/Kunstschau Bergedorf

    Dates: 3 Sep 2016 - 18 Sep 2016

    Venue: Hamburg-Bergedorf, Galerie of the artist house Möörkenweg18b-g

    Galerie of the artist house Möörkenweg 18 b-g, 21029 Hamburg, open: Sa. + Su. 15 - 18 h and by apointment, participation under the artshow Bergedorf.


    Dates: 3 Sep 2016 - 4 Sep 2016

    Venue: Reinbek, Schloss / Castle

    KUNSTWERK - WERKKUNST, Kulturzentrum Schloss Reinbek, Reinbek


    Dates: 1 Sep 2016 - 30 Sep 2016

    Venue: Galerie Kunststätte am Michel, 20459 Hamburg, Neanderstr. 21

    Painting about "Environment in Ecology discourse - City of the Future / Human-Space-Vision", opening time: mo - fr. 10 - 18:00 h

    Event: "MaritimArt"

    Dates: 25 May 2016 - 15 Jan 2017

    Venue: Former maritim museum of the hanseatic city Rostock, Hanseatic city Rostock

    Extended until 2017-01-15: Traveling Exhibition „MaritimArt“, Galerie Kunststätte am Michel, Hamburg
    Lokation: Societät Rostock maritim e.V. inside the former Maritime Museum of the hanseatic city Rostock

    Event: Contemporary Art in Rome

    Dates: 15 Jan 2016 - 15 Mar 2016

    Venue: RossoCinabro, Rome, Itay

    Showing "frei wie der Wind / "Free as the wind" and "Lichterfahrt im Sternenzelt" / "Light cruise under a tent of stars"

    Event: Hamburg - Ganz Europa in einer Stadt / Hamburg - The whole of Europe in one city

    Dates: 26 Oct 2015 - 29 Feb 2016

    Venue: Headquarter of the German Bundesbank in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein, Willy-Brandt-Str. 73, 20459 Hamburg, Germany

    26.10. - 17.12.2015, extended up to february 2016: Europe traveling exhibition,
    Hamburg - Ganz Europa in einer Stadt, Graphics, Painting, Sculpture, Vernissage: Monday, 26.10, 18:00 - only by invitation of Deutsche Bundesbank.
    Venue: German Bundesbank in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern andSchleswig-Holstein, headquarter, Willy-Brandt-Str. 73, 20459 Hamburg, Germany.



1979 - 1984

Hochschule für Bildende (HfbK) Künste Kassel

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events


Dates: 2 Apr 2023 - 7 May 2023

Venue: Friedrichsruh, 21521 Friedrichsruh, Germany

The past dry summer showed it once again: Water, as the basis of all life, has become a defining issue of our time. In the WATER exhibition at the Otto von Bismarck Foundation, Hans-Gerhard Meyer shows various encounters with the element.

Event: Zeiträume

Dates: 23 Oct 2020 - 11 Jul 2021

Venue: Hamburg, Museum für Bergedorf und die Vierlande, Schlossstr. 1, Bergedorf


Event: Blickpunkte

Dates: 11 May 2020 - 30 Nov 2021

Venue: Hamburg, KSP Kanzlei, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 40, 20355 Hamburg

KSP Kanzlei Dr. Seegers, Dr. Frankenheim
Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 40, 20355 Hamburg, Katalog


Dates: 20 Jun 2019 - 11 Aug 2019

Venue: Schloss Reinbek, Schloss Reinbek, Schlossstraße 5, 21465 Reinbek

Momente, Paintings

Event: Moments of memory / Momente der Erinnerung

Dates: 19 Mar 2018 - 22 Apr 2018

Venue: Hamburg-Bergedorf, Körberstiftung: Haus im Park, Gräpelweg 8

My painting is about memories of things I have experienced.
The interpretation of several glances at a situation reflects a longer period:
the moment

In meiner Malerei geht es um die Erinnerung an Erlebnisse:
Die Interpretation mehrerer Blicke zu einem Ereignis gibt einen längeren Zeitraum wieder:
den Moment

Event: Kunst trotzt Armut / Art defies poverty

Dates: 23 Nov 2017 - 7 Dec 2017

Venue: Hamburg, Hauptkirche St. Jacobi

Art defies poverty

Event: Klimawoche-Ausstellung "Umwelt im Ökologiediskurs: Sonne - Wasser - Erde - Luft" /Climate Week Exhibition "Environment in Ecology Discourse: Sun - Water - Earth - Air "

Dates: 29 Sep 2017 - 20 Dec 2017

Venue: Hamburg, German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ)

Painting in the German Climate Computing Center (DKRZ), awarded by Galerie KAM
Malerei im Deutschen Klimarechenzentrum (DKRZ), ausgelobt durch Galerie KAM

Event: altonale

Dates: 16 Jun 2017 - 2 Jul 2017

Venue: Hamburg, Altona


Event: Kunst trotz(t) Armut / Art defies poverty

Dates: 5 May 2017 - 1 Jun 2017

Venue: Schacher Raum für Kunst, Stuttgart, Germany

Art defies poverty

Event: Traveling Exhibition "Hamburg - Ganz Europa in einer Stadt"

Dates: 7 Mar 2017 - 14 May 2017

Venue: Gallery KAM, Lohbrügger Landstr. 5, 21031 Hamburg

Galery KAM, Lohbrügger Landstr. 5, 21031 Hamburg, opening time: Tu. - Th, 12 - 17h und nach Vereinbarung

Event: Kunst trotz(t) Armut/Art defies poverty

Dates: 20 Oct 2016 - 20 Nov 2016

Venue: D-67435 Neustadt-Mußbach, Herrenhofstraße 15

Art defies poverty
Opening times: Sundays: 11 - 18 h, Tu: 9 - 14 h, Wed: 18 - 20 h, Sa: 14 - 18 h

Event: Kunstmesse / Art fair

Dates: 15 Oct 2016 - 16 Oct 2016

Venue: Hamburg-Bergedorf, Bergedorfer Mühle, Chrysanderstr. 52a

Art fair

Event: Sabores y Colores del Arte América Latina

Dates: 1 Oct 2016 - 2 Oct 2016

Venue: Galerie Kunststätte am Michel, 20459 Hamburg, Neanderstr. 21

Picture "Kaffee" /"Coffee" inside of the exhibition "Sabores y Colores del Arte América Latina"

Event: "Umwelt im Ökologiediskurs - Rund um die Elbe" / "Environment Ecology in discourse - Around the river Elbe"

Dates: 28 Sep 2016 - 30 Jan 2017

Venue: Hamburg, gallery 25hours, Hotel Altes Hafenamt, Osakaallee 12, 20457 Hamburg

"Umwelt im Ökologiediskurs - Rund um die Elbe" / "Environment Ecology in discourse - Around the river Elbe", gallery 25hours, Hotel Altes Hafenamt, Osakaallee 12, 20457 Hamburg

Event: Artshow Bergedorf/Kunstschau Bergedorf

Dates: 3 Sep 2016 - 18 Sep 2016

Venue: Hamburg-Bergedorf, Galerie of the artist house Möörkenweg18b-g

Galerie of the artist house Möörkenweg 18 b-g, 21029 Hamburg, open: Sa. + Su. 15 - 18 h and by apointment, participation under the artshow Bergedorf.


Dates: 3 Sep 2016 - 4 Sep 2016

Venue: Reinbek, Schloss / Castle

KUNSTWERK - WERKKUNST, Kulturzentrum Schloss Reinbek, Reinbek


Dates: 1 Sep 2016 - 30 Sep 2016

Venue: Galerie Kunststätte am Michel, 20459 Hamburg, Neanderstr. 21

Painting about "Environment in Ecology discourse - City of the Future / Human-Space-Vision", opening time: mo - fr. 10 - 18:00 h

Event: "MaritimArt"

Dates: 25 May 2016 - 15 Jan 2017

Venue: Former maritim museum of the hanseatic city Rostock, Hanseatic city Rostock

Extended until 2017-01-15: Traveling Exhibition „MaritimArt“, Galerie Kunststätte am Michel, Hamburg
Lokation: Societät Rostock maritim e.V. inside the former Maritime Museum of the hanseatic city Rostock

Event: Contemporary Art in Rome

Dates: 15 Jan 2016 - 15 Mar 2016

Venue: RossoCinabro, Rome, Itay

Showing "frei wie der Wind / "Free as the wind" and "Lichterfahrt im Sternenzelt" / "Light cruise under a tent of stars"

Event: Hamburg - Ganz Europa in einer Stadt / Hamburg - The whole of Europe in one city

Dates: 26 Oct 2015 - 29 Feb 2016

Venue: Headquarter of the German Bundesbank in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Schleswig-Holstein, Willy-Brandt-Str. 73, 20459 Hamburg, Germany

26.10. - 17.12.2015, extended up to february 2016: Europe traveling exhibition,
Hamburg - Ganz Europa in einer Stadt, Graphics, Painting, Sculpture, Vernissage: Monday, 26.10, 18:00 - only by invitation of Deutsche Bundesbank.
Venue: German Bundesbank in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern andSchleswig-Holstein, headquarter, Willy-Brandt-Str. 73, 20459 Hamburg, Germany.



My painting is about memories of things I have experienced.
The interpretation of several glances at a situation reflects a longer period:
the moment. 

Duties determine our everyday life. It takes time to deal with these. There is no time to lose. This leads to life speeding up. It is difficult to step away from this.
Still, some situations make us pause. Situations that surprise us, that are sudden or unexpected or that might be created, like pouring a cup of tea. These moments last longer than just a moment. Impressions of experiences are often composed of several views. This takes time. The memory of these moments is the subject of my painting.

Sometimes, for example, we might look at a certain detail. More glances during these moments might lead to memories of one aspect or another. These recollected glances reflect a longer period than every individual glance. In my paintings the simultaneous depiction of several recollected glances of one moment reflect the interpretation of the memory of a longer period. In this way I condense experience. The memory and the associated choice and interpretation of several glances lead to occultation, overlapping and stringing together of these and in this way the formerly strict sequence becomes varied.

During a period in which glances and the associated impressions are joined, the respective situation changes constantly. People in front of us move, we are in motion.
Interpreting the observation from different positions includes temporal changes: on the one hand in our own position of observation which has changed over course of time; on the other hand in the temporal change of the situation which occurs in front of our own eyes; and, thirdly in the differing clarity of our memory of each observation. All these aspects integrate the observer of the painting into the experience of such situations and they do not just leave him in front of the image.
As in most paintings the other temporal aspect lies in the way the brush leaves traces of paint over the canvas.

Perception Areas

These moments representing collages of glances show perception areas and areas of memories as well as their boundaries, all merging, and the gaps in between and around. All points put an emphasis on each memory of single glances and they are design elements prompted by the moments which gave shape to the image.

Glances Turn into Moments

The area of our sharpest vision covers only a few degrees and is anatomically assigned to the fovea at the back of our eye. For example if we focus our eyes on the centre of a text page, keeping our eyes still and try to decipher the surrounding part of the text, we then experience the narrow limits of sharp vision. In our daily life we don’t experience this.

The situation is the sum of gathered glances, our experience, expectations, assessments, interpretations and involuntary eye movements. Gaps do not seem to exist.

Glances which stay in our memory for longer will be merged with the painting.

Keeping their independence they will simultaneously chime whereas the pictures on their own could not achieve this. They influence and emphasize each other. The artistic interpretation is also weighting it. The different glances merge to an overall impression – the moment. All glances together narrate more impressively and more vividly than the representation of one glance on its own.

‘Installing Perception’

In its pictorial translation the overall chime of all moments leads to a personal installation of perception. I emphasise this in some paintings more or less clearly, for example by my own knees shown in the paintings. ‘Mittagessen mit Volker’ (Lunch with Volker), ‘Strandkorb’ (Wicker Beach Chair) or by my own feet in the paintings ‘10er’ or ‘3er’.

Thoughts and reflections on further points are slipped into the images like on the design of the borders of each moment, on the number of moments in each painting, on the choice of image format and much more.

Several Canvases

The image design using multiple canvases provides even more extensive options of presentation and interpretation.