About Hannah Weekes
2014 - 2017
Plymouth University
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Event: Blue
Dates: 10 Aug 2023 - 24 Aug 2023
'Since studying Fine Art together at Plymouth University, they have continued to focus on their paralleling art practices in Bristol. Despite living in the city, they both share a deep connection with the natural world and travel; evoked within their corresponding works.
Blue, clearly a prominent element within their work, has derived from inspiration of the magnificent shades of blue spanning vast skies and bodies of water.
Hannah’s work explores and captures the subtle yet complex details of life through the technique of batik. Her works portray moments and locations which have become distorted as memories, complimenting the scenes with a vibrant, dream-like quality. These pieces, conceived using wax, dye and cotton, create soft yet vivid wall hangings, capturing peaceful locations which are warped by lively colour'.
Event: Winter Collection
Dates: 29 Nov 2021 - 30 Jan 2022
"The Winter Collection proudly features 29 original new artworks from eight artists. A varied and enticing selection of paintings and drawings, each piece wholehearted, original and collectable!"
- Bocabar art
Event: Presence
Dates: 24 Jul 2018 - 5 Aug 2018
Plymouth University Graduates Karen Pearson and Hannah Weekes have been in residence at Ocean Studios over the last six months. Both artists have a landscape-based practice that considers and explores human presence and belonging, phenomenologically and physically, in urban and natural environments.
Hannah, a painter using mixed media, looks at recording landscape and the relationship between people and places. She considers the fragility and insignificance of humans against the grandeur of nature.
Karen’s work follows a similar line of research; her current practice investigates the traces and transience of city walkers in urban and architectural landscapes. Using painting, text and installation, she documents the anonymous person in built structures.
Event: Belonging
Dates: 17 Apr 2018 - 2 May 2018
Through the series ‘The Search for the Sublime' and Hannah’s current practice she explores the sense of belonging we have to places in our memories. Using feelings conjured up from recent trips she has made to mountainous, wild locations and how they brought waves of reminiscence to childhood memories of cliff top walks and camping trips. Her yearn to be back in certain locations that bring about feelings of awe and exhilaration carry through to her paintings in which she strives to capture the powerful qualities of nature. Working with materials and processes that lead to unpredictable outcomes in her paintings, Hannah explores the theme of the Sublime through its power and uncertainty, looking for ways to bring herself and audience closer to this transcendent quality.
Hannah’s main interest lies in exploring and capturing the subtle yet complex details of life through the technique of batik, portraying moments and locations which have become distorted as memories, complimenting the scenes with a vibrant, dream-like quality. In previous work, Hannah created tactile, 'map-like' paintings which were made in response to her yearn to be in certain locations that summon feelings of awe and exhilaration, echoing the powerful qualities of nature. In Hannah’s recent work, the curiosity and wonder felt when admiring the grandeur of life and nature is referenced by the oversized suns and moons which watchfully hover over tranquil scenes. These pieces, conceived using wax, dye and cotton, create soft yet vivid wall hangings, capturing peaceful locations which are warped by lively colour. Inspiration arrives in the form of poignant scenes, such as the warm afternoon light illuminating a leafy canopy or the stillness of a Moroccan courtyard in the heat of the day.