About Giusy Lauriola
2018 - 2019
Pencil Art Scuola Illustrazione Umberto
1996 - 1998
San Giacomo Art and Craft Rome
1982 - 1987
University La Sapienza of Rome
Premio Arbiter Fata Verde
Premio Lupa
Honorable Mention, from Circle Foundation for the Arts
Museo Pier Maria Rossi- premio arte contemporanea
Premio Celeste
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Dates: 1 Sep 2023 - 3 Sep 2023
Presentation of Lauriola's works of recent years, whose artistic production comes to life from a careful contemplation on the surrounding reality, a deep reflection without filters or prejudices, beyond good and evil, beyond male and female, in that limbo between conscious and unconscious that has often led her to ask questions about the enigmas and distortions of the world, in order to try to always capture and bring out the positive aspects that surround her.
This path of research has turned into a painting technique that is developed through the laying down of different layers of color, material and resin and the relationship with the sign stroke. Each layer is like a mantra that leads her to the achievement of empathy with the longed-for, dreamed real.
There are three main strands that the artist has developed in recent years, "Dialogue with Nature," "Feelings and Suspended Atmospheres."
Event: “Human Nature“, International Meeting of Contemporary art
Dates: 10 Jun 2023 - 15 Oct 2023
Every seven years a cycle comes to a close, made up of shared experiences in which an update is presented, a status quo on the artistic experience of contemporary authors working at an international level.
The new location stimulates an unprecedented dialogue with the place, with a visual journey between painting, sculpture and installations. Nature manifests itself through the experiential leitmotif of artists living their own time, in an attempt to decode it they strengthen the conversation with Mother Nature, translating thoughts and reflections into a polyform content.
The exhibition is on view from June 10 to Oct. 15 at Villa Fiorentino,
Dates: 7 Jun 2023 - 24 Jun 2023
"The relationship between human being and nature," writes Carlo Ercoli in his critical text within the catalog, "is the focus on which Lauriola's latest production concentrates, finding completion in the canvases created for the site-specific exhibition at the Aranciera di San Sisto, a building constructed in 1926 to provide shelter for those plants most affected by winter temperatures. Right here in this strip of Rome charged with history, a dimension of temporal suspension is perceived. Such a protective atmosphere toward delicate plants, in a place where the bucolic idyll still shines embedded in the beating heart of the city, deeply inspired the artist."
Dates: 18 May 2023 - 26 May 2023
"The relationship between human being and nature," writes Carlo Ercoli in his critical text within the catalog, "is the focus on which Lauriola's latest production concentrates, finding completion in the canvases created for the site-specific exhibition at the Aranciera di San Sisto, a building constructed in 1926 to provide shelter for those plants most affected by winter temperatures. Right here in this strip of Rome charged with history, a dimension of temporal suspension is perceived. Such a protective atmosphere toward delicate plants, in a place where the bucolic idyll still shines embedded in the beating heart of the city, deeply inspired the artist."
Event: Da Cajeta a Circe con Ecce Domina Cajeta Art Action,
Dates: 12 Mar 2023 - 29 Apr 2023
Exhibition decicated to the myth of the Argonauts, Circe and her daughter Medea in love with Jason and Cajeta, Aeneas's nurse. Exhibition organized in the splendid setting of Gaeta specifically in the Pinacoteca Antonio Sapone is located high in the ancient part of the city
Event: Greetings from Athens
Dates: 5 Jun 2022 - 11 Jun 2022
Art residency at Domus Art Gallery Athens, Greece (curated by Manuela De Leonardis;
Event: Prendiamo il sentiero paludoso per arrivare alle nuvole,
Dates: 2 Mar 2022 - 31 May 2022
Let us take the swampy path to get to the clouds," seguw an introspective iter that stems from the evocation of a haiku. The very essence of Lauriola's work is condensed in this metaphorical phrase that alludes to the difficulties of an untrodden path, and to the final goal represented by detachment. Painting itself, for the artist, is always a meditative moment that places her in the presence of the deepest part of the ego
Event: Art is Over part of Art Days Napoli Campania
Dates: 16 Dec 2021 - 19 Dec 2021
The collective exhibition "Art is Over" of the SyArt gallery is part of the project extended to the galleries of Campania "Art Days - Naples and Campania" which will take place from 13 to 19 December with a series of side events and in which we have been included (the gallery will be part of the event of December 16)
Dates: 18 Nov 2021 - 21 Nov 2021
Participation at the Rome ARTE in NUVOLA Contemporary Art Fair with the SpazioCima Gallery
Event: SyArt Sorrento International Festival
Dates: 16 Jul 2021 - 12 Sep 2021
Winner Arbiter Prize Fairy Green 2021 in the context of SyArt Sorrento Festival International Festival - Sorrento Villa Fiorentini -
Event: Guido Levi. Una storia piena di paure, di ansie e di storie quasi gialle 1942–1946
Dates: 10 Jul 2021 - 11 Jul 2021
Presentation at Capalbio Libri of the publishing project Guido Levi. A story full of fears, anxieties and almost yellow stories 1942-1946 (edited by Manuela De Leonardis) for which I did the illustrations
Event: Amabie La magica profezia dello Yokai
Dates: 12 May 2021 - 16 May 2021
SOLO EXHIBITION Amabie La magica profezia dello Yokai
Dates: 30 Sep 2020 - 30 Oct 2020
At SpazioCima on display from Wednesday, September 30 until Friday, October 30 the new solo exhibition of the artist
Event: Sixtysteps
Dates: 1 Dec 2019 - 19 Mar 2019
On Wednesday, December 19 in the Testaccio salon - in Piazza Santa Maria Liberatrice, 46 -, Sixtysteps by the artist Giusy Lauriola will be inaugurated, which will be open to the public until next March 19, 2019.
Event: About Dreams
Dates: 29 Oct 2019 - 5 Nov 2019
a cura di Carlo Ercoli
Event: Women InColors
Dates: 9 May 2019 - 30 Jun 2019
Domus Art Gallery presents on Thursday 9th May 2019, the “Women InColors” exhibition with the artworks of two artists: the Italian Giusy Lauriola and the Greek-Irish natassa Kaloti.
Event: Iosepha
Dates: 8 Mar 2018 - 22 Mar 2018
Sharp and decisive brushstrokes, blurred colors sometimes surreal, realistic subjects but never defined. The works of Giusy Lauriola
Event: Dodici
Dates: 16 Nov 2016 - 26 Jan 2017
Giusy Lauriola 2004-2016
curated by Ada Egidio
Headquarters Banca Generali
Via Bissolati - Rome
Event: Dreamland
Dates: 18 Mar 2016 - 18 Apr 2016
Dreamland - Domus Art Gallery – Atene – Grecia - (a cura di Glenda Lorenzani - catalogo)
Event: Fuori dal mondo
Dates: 18 Jun 2015 - 18 Jul 2015
The Collezionando Gallery of Ada Egidio opens on June 18, 2015 the exhibition entitled "Out of the world" by Giusy Lauriola in the new location in Prati, Rome. The artist is at her second solo exhibition in this space.
Event: Butterfly Effect
Dates: 6 Dec 2014 - 6 Jan 2015
Domus Art Home Gallery opens in Athens on December 6, 2014 with the exhibition "Butterfly effect" by the Roman artist Giusy Lauriola its activity dedicated to contemporary art.
Event: Qui e Ora
Dates: 5 Apr 2014 - 10 May 2014
The Collezionando Gallery opens Saturday, April 5 at 18.30 the solo exhibition of Giusy Lauriola that has as its title - Here and Now -, curated by Ada Egidio. T
Event: Aspirazioni Urbane
Dates: 5 Jun 2013 - 26 Jun 2013
The protagonists are urban travelers, a recurring theme in his artistic career, who create a vision, the continuous pilgrimage without a defined destination, a metaphor for existence. In this particular atmosphere, wings can be seen. Butterfly wings resting on travelers who seem almost not to be aware of it. Their aspirations, their dreams that they carry inside every day in their incessant pilgrimage: dreamlike transfiguration of human thought
Event: Viandante Urbano a cura di Cristina Del Ferraro
Dates: 19 Oct 2011 - 18 Nov 2011
The center of the narrative is the city, always at the center of Lauriola's reflection, in which the attention is focused on some individuals, portrayed as if they were wayfarers, aimless pilgrims who escape any identification.
Event: Visioni urbane in Fermento -
Dates: 16 May 2010 - 29 May 2010
Visioni urbane in Fermento - Centro Culturale Arabo. Aburemmaneh - Damasco (Siria) - (a cura di Carlo Ercoli - catalogo)
Event: Blowing in the wind
Dates: 15 Nov 2009 - 15 Dec 2009
Blowing in the wind - galleria Ercoli Arte Contemporanea - Roma - (a cura di Carlo Ercoli – catalogo)
Event: Sei gradi. Un Istante
Dates: 12 May 2009 - 30 Jun 2009
Sei gradi. Un Istante - Galleria 196 - Roma - (a cura di Manuela De Leonardis - catalogo)
Event: Extra-Urbane
Dates: 25 Sep 2008 - 24 Oct 2008
Extra-Urbane - Galleria 196 - Roma - (a cura di Micol di Veroli – catalogo)
Event: Oltre
Dates: 12 Oct 2007 - 31 Oct 2007
Oltre - Abitart - Roma - calendario espositivo di “Roma Design più”, rassegna internazionale Promossa dall’Università “La Sapienza” - (a cura di Micol di Veroli - catalogo)
Event: D.I.O. - Il Frantoio - Capalbio (Grosseto) - (a cura di Gianluca Marziani
Dates: 21 Jul 2007 - 12 Aug 2007
Il Frantoio - Capalbio (Grosseto) - (a cura di Gianluca Marziani – catalogo)
Event: D.I.O
Dates: 15 Jun 2007 - 29 Jun 2007
D.I.O. - Artemisia Art Gallery - Montecarlo (Principato di Monaco)
Event: S.P.Q.R.
Dates: 7 Feb 2007 - 23 Feb 2007
S.P.Q.R. - Studio Mo.Ca - Roma - (a cura di Giorgia Calò – catalogo)
Event: V edition of International FotoFestiva Killing Paradise
Dates: 18 May 2006 - 21 May 2006
Honor Guest of the Killing Paradise - International FotoFestival - Lodz (a cura di Agnieszka Zakrzewicz Polonia)
Event: Ciò che vuoi è ciò di cui hai bisogno? -
Dates: 7 Apr 2006 - 30 Apr 2006
Ciò che vuoi è ciò di cui hai bisogno? - S. Cecilia in Trastevere - Roma - (a cura di Cristina del Ferraro – catalogo)
Event: Istanti
Dates: 13 May 2005 - 30 Jun 2005
Istanti - Mo.Ca.- Roma (a cura di Cristina del Ferraro - catalogo)
Event: Cambialamore
Dates: 30 Sep 2004 - 30 Oct 2004
Cambialamore - Salon Privé Arti Visive - Roma - (a cura di Sergio Rispoli - catalogo)
In recent years, my art reflects contemplation of reality, free from biases, beyond good and evil, male and female, exploring the limbo between consciousness and unconsciousness. I seek to reveal positive aspects that surround me.
This journey led to a painting technique with layered colors, materials, and resins, guided by the brush stroke. Each layer becomes a meditative mantra, fostering empathy with the longed-for, dreamed real.
Three main themes emerged: "Dialogue with Nature" blending abstraction and figurative symbolism using everyday objects hinting at human presence; " Suspended Atmospheres" where light takes center stage, freeing figures from temporal constraints, existing in a timeless, metaphysical dimension, akin to an artist's dream; and "Suspended Feelings" portraying close faces of a man and a woman, evoking intimate connections, opposing today's individualistic drift.
Inspiration comes from Jasper Johns, Cy Twombly, and Mario Schifano, with Schiele's drawing style being an iconic influence.
Since 2004 she has had successful exhibitions in Italy and abroad, the most recent of which are in 2023 – Close your eyes, Aranciera di San Sisto, Rome and Artètika Gallery, Palermo (solo exhibition); in 2022 - We take the swampy path to the clouds, Galleria Umberto Mastroianni in San Salvatore in Lauro Museum, Rome (solo exhibition); participation in the International SyArt Sorrento Festival, Villa Fiorentino, Sorrento Foundation; illustrations for the publishing project Guido Levi, a story full of fears, anxieties and almost yellow events 1942-1946; in 2019 Domino/ Domination for fun and for real, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome.
As part of the SyArt Sorrento International Festival, she was awarded the Arbiter Fata Verde 2021 Prize for her interesting and valuable artistic research and was given the front cover with an interview in the April 2022 issue of Arbiter magazine. She also received the Honourable Mention from the Circle Foundation for the Arts 2020 and 2022; she was a finalist in the Lupa Award 2020 and the Celeste Award 2007 and in 2015 she was Pier Maria Rossi Museum competition winner. Her works can be found in the Copelouzos Family Art Museum in Athens, the SanPaolo Invest ArtCollection in Rome, in the Antonio Sapone Municipal Art Gallery in Gaeta and in other international private collections. She is featured in the 2020 edition of the De Agostini Atlas of Contemporary Art, the most comprehensive survey of Italian artists from 1950 to the present. In 2006 she was invited to exhibit as honour guest at the International Photo Festival in Lodz (Poland), in 2010 at the Italian Cultural Institute in Damascus (Syria) with the solo exhibition Urban Visions in Progress and at the International Symposium in Idlib (Syria) organized by the Syrian Ministry of Culture.