Gill Bustamante

Joined Artfinder: Feb. 2014

Artworks for sale: 281


United Kingdom

About Gill Bustamante

  • Biography

    I am a professional artist based in Sussex and I paint large original landscape and seascape paintings in oil on canvas. I have a Fine Art degree in sculpture (Brighton, 1983) but am mostly self taught as a painter.

     My painting style is a fusion of Expressionist, Impressionist, Semi-abstract, Art Deco, a little Art Nouveau and whatever mood I am in that day. I often practice a kind of Impressionism in that I walk, look at things and then paint from memory. The result is that I paint what was impressed upon me when I looked at a landscape - thus a kind of Impressionism! 

     I am inspired by the patterns of nature and the energy, colours and spaces of the landscapes and animals around me. I like to think that paintings have ‘little souls’ woven into them by artist’s and that these are what call to a viewer (or not as the case may be) and give a painting presence and desirability.

     All of my paintings have a story added in to them - sometimes humorous, sometimes mystical, sometimes with a message of hope or encouragement.

     My aim is to make art that offers a glimpse of spaces and possibilities where people can escape the manic pace of life and imagine themselves somewhere better – even if just for a little while.

  • Links
  • Education

    1980 - 1983

    Brighton Polytechnic

    1979 - 1980

    Chelsea Art Foundation

  • Awards


    General art awards

    Like many artists I sometimes describe myself as an ‘award winning artist’ for PR reasons. It is true but I rarely mention what the awards were so in the interest of integrity, here are my awards:

    a) When I was 4 and in a convent school I won the ‘best painting of an angel’ competition. I won a handkerchief and a plastic flower.

    b) When I was 9 I came first in a local painting competition for painting a picture of my house. It was a surprise as I had chucked it away a few weeks earlier when I got cross with it – not knowing my Dad had found it in the bin and entered into the competition. I still have the photo that was in the local paper of me looking simultaneously stupid, pleased and disgusted as the Mayor gave me my prize. I won a £5 book token.

    c) When I was 11. I became the proud owner of a Blue Peter badge which I won for painting an underwater scene in a competition in 1979. I won a plastic badge with a boat on it.

    d) When I was 37. I won an award for best wildlife painting in an on-line competition where people voted for best painting. I never got my prize as the website went down a week later.

    e) When I was 48. I won first prize in the Danehill Art Fair. I won £250 (yay – an actual prize!)

    That was possibly the best my illustrious competition winning career is going to get but at least I can genuinely call myself ’award winning’ – impressive eh?
  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: Gill Bustamante Landscape, Seascape, Animal and Fish Paintings

    Dates: 15 May 2019 - 31 Dec 2024

    Venue: Gill Bustamante Studio, Forest Row, East Sussex

    Invitations by appointment to view the paintings of Gill Bustamante at her home in Forest Row, East Sussex. Details at www (dot)



1980 - 1983

Brighton Polytechnic

1979 - 1980

Chelsea Art Foundation



General art awards

Like many artists I sometimes describe myself as an ‘award winning artist’ for PR reasons. It is true but I rarely mention what the awards were so in the interest of integrity, here are my awards:

a) When I was 4 and in a convent school I won the ‘best painting of an angel’ competition. I won a handkerchief and a plastic flower.

b) When I was 9 I came first in a local painting competition for painting a picture of my house. It was a surprise as I had chucked it away a few weeks earlier when I got cross with it – not knowing my Dad had found it in the bin and entered into the competition. I still have the photo that was in the local paper of me looking simultaneously stupid, pleased and disgusted as the Mayor gave me my prize. I won a £5 book token.

c) When I was 11. I became the proud owner of a Blue Peter badge which I won for painting an underwater scene in a competition in 1979. I won a plastic badge with a boat on it.

d) When I was 37. I won an award for best wildlife painting in an on-line competition where people voted for best painting. I never got my prize as the website went down a week later.

e) When I was 48. I won first prize in the Danehill Art Fair. I won £250 (yay – an actual prize!)

That was possibly the best my illustrious competition winning career is going to get but at least I can genuinely call myself ’award winning’ – impressive eh?

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Gill Bustamante Landscape, Seascape, Animal and Fish Paintings

Dates: 15 May 2019 - 31 Dec 2024

Venue: Gill Bustamante Studio, Forest Row, East Sussex

Invitations by appointment to view the paintings of Gill Bustamante at her home in Forest Row, East Sussex. Details at www (dot)



I am a professional artist based in Sussex and I paint large original landscape and seascape paintings in oil on canvas. I have a Fine Art degree in sculpture (Brighton, 1983) but am mostly self taught as a painter.

 My painting style is a fusion of Expressionist, Impressionist, Semi-abstract, Art Deco, a little Art Nouveau and whatever mood I am in that day. I often practice a kind of Impressionism in that I walk, look at things and then paint from memory. The result is that I paint what was impressed upon me when I looked at a landscape - thus a kind of Impressionism! 

 I am inspired by the patterns of nature and the energy, colours and spaces of the landscapes and animals around me. I like to think that paintings have ‘little souls’ woven into them by artist’s and that these are what call to a viewer (or not as the case may be) and give a painting presence and desirability.

 All of my paintings have a story added in to them - sometimes humorous, sometimes mystical, sometimes with a message of hope or encouragement.

 My aim is to make art that offers a glimpse of spaces and possibilities where people can escape the manic pace of life and imagine themselves somewhere better – even if just for a little while.