Greg Beebe

: Aug. 2014

: 52


United States

  • Artlando, Orlando, FL

    Artlando, Orlando, FL

    Completed bench which was donated to the city of Orlando.

    11 April 2017

    Artlando, Orlando, FL

    Artlando, Orlando, FL

    ONE DAY. ONE FESTIVAL. ALL ART. MUSIC. DANCE. VISUAL ARTS. FILM. FOOD. **Art Walk & Competition** 80+ artists cover the lawn, displaying, selling and creating art. **Unique Installations and Interactive Exhibits** Local artists will be painting on benches that will be used in the many bus terminals located around the Orlando metro area. Also, local artists will also be painting Juice Bike racks to be used at Juice Bike locations, a way to display art year-round in Orlando. **Outdoor Performing Arts Stage** Orlando’s most prominent performing arts organizations showcase throughout the day and into the night.

    11 April 2017



    Outside studio

    11 August 2014