About Christina M Plichta
I paint organic subjects including Plein Air Landscapes, Leaves and Flowers from life, and Dancer paintings, for which I refer to photos taken during live performance. I use oil and casein paints, with a combination of brush and palette knife. I paint on both canvas and board, and utilize vibrant colors, iridescent paints, thick textures, and glazing techniques. My work is recognized for its color and texture, and my style has been described as "Bold". My paintings of individual leaves, trees, and flowers have a portrait-like approach, in which I zero in on the unique "face" and "personality" of an individual organic object. My landscape compositions are chosen with the intent of showcasing extraordinary moments in everyday life, and focus on spectacular seasonal occurrences in the midwest. My avoidance of photo reference for plein air projects lends a look of immediacy and vitality to my work.