About Fiona Carver
1996 - 1999
Edinburgh College of Art
1995 - 1996
Loughborough College of Art and Design
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Event: The Great Print Exhibition 2016
Dates: 25 Nov 2016 - 26 Feb 2017
This major exhibition of printmaking in all its forms, returns in a new time slot over Christmas. Created by Rheged, this exhibition is the largest of its kind in the North of England and features over 350 artworks by more than 60 British artists. As part of the exhibition, Cumbria printmakers will run workshops and demonstrations.
Carver is a painter and printmaker creating works inspired by both sea and landscape.
She is interested in capturing an impression of a place, the atmosphere, colours and emotion experienced at that time. She paints mainly in oils, ‘en plein air’, meaning they are painted outdoors, usually in one sitting. That way she can capture the light and weather, getting the brush marks down before it changes. The challenges of painting in wind or rain, with moving subjects and changing views adds to the exhilaration of finishing a painting, stepping back, stretching and absorbing what is on the canvas.
The process of creating a linocut makes a nice contrast for Fiona with it’s slow, methodical planning. She cuts multiple blocks for each print, one for each colour, and layers them to build up the image. She usually has a good idea of what the finished piece will look like but this can change as the image progresses and Fiona will often adapt it as she goes along. She is interested by the process of etched lino and experiments with this to create texture and energy in her practice.
has exhibited at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists and been shortlisted
for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. She was highly commended for the TALP 2021. Her work has been included in a number
of printmaking books and has appeared on the cover of Country Living Magazine.