About Fabiana Ardolino
2008 - 2013
Enrico De Nicola
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Event: Women around the world
Dates: 2 Dec 2018 - 6 Jan 2019
Fascinated by female curves,lines and power; I’m trying to show woman’s feelings thought my art. I use to mixed different cultures from Africa to Japan.
Fabiana Ardolino, born in 1994 in Milan.
Since she was a child, she has been fascinated by art,
as it has helped her creates a boundary
between herself and the rest of the world
After a degree in Art school in Milan,
she decided to move to London.
In London she found different art, different atmosphere,
colors and emotions,
that give her a lot of ideas and creativity.
She likes to use abstract dimensions,
playing around with brushes and her fingers,
as she loves to feel and touch her artworks personally,
being part of them.
She uses a very particular technique in her compositions,
accompanied by watercolours, acrylics and oil based paint.
Most of her artworks include women’s portraits and nude images
as she is fascinated by female curves and lines.
Fabiana tries to explain women’s feelings through her art and
she trusts in women’s powers.
She loves to mixes different cultures.
Through her art we can feel the power of the mix race,
against the prejudice and the common beauty
that we always have been used to admire.