About Fabrizio Peraldo Neia
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Event: Statement 2016.2
Dates: 20 Jun 2016 - 26 Jun 2016
Group Exhibition in Milan
I'm fascinated by the human desire to understand the universe in all his forms: from the physical world to the elusive space of our soul. The recent theories offer us a clearer description of our world, that is often very different and counter intuitive from our direct experience of the reality. The society, instead of supporting us in the process of understanding ourselves and the world around us, keeps us far away from it. Day by day, it involves us in a chaotic, overloaded and hyper stimulating lifestyle, that leaves us with a crawling sense of confusion, insecurity and dissatisfaction.
My desire is to offer a space of reflection: an invitation to rest in order to go beyond the cacophonous surface of the infinite "stuff" that the society offers us everyday. A space where we can grasp something of ourselves and the world around us.
The use of big canvases, the dripping technique, the draw of vibrant forms and dart shapes aim to involve and hold the observer in the act of decoding the artwork, making him part of the meaning of the artwork itself.