About Eve Devore
Eve Devore is a Brooklyn-based artist with a penchant for visual storytelling.
Born in Ukraine, she grew up trying to seize the essence of the life around her with the bits of charcoal and pencil, always in her hands. In a way, art had always been a way to a better understanding of her connection to the world.
Her work ranges from whimsical paintings, full of color and intricate details, to figurative works to more abstract pieces, where she embraces the spontaneous nature of one of her favorite mediums - watercolor. Furthermore, she works in acrylics and oils, using mixed media techniques and collage. Switching in between mediums and styles allows her to achieve a balance in her creative practice. Color evokes magical energy in her, the extent of which she is still discovering with every piece she makes. It creates a never-ending source of energy that drives the exploration of her art. She tries to capture a feeling of a particular moment of time, experience, or memory, translating it into colors and shapes.
The recent series she's working on - nude studies - explores the connection between the way we see personality and feel the energy through the physical form we live in. Another series – ‘Ocean diaries’ were born about a year ago. What started as a spontaneous escape to a secluded place with a box full of paints grew into an essential practice. Every painting in this collection reflects a moment in time, a collision of inner and outer worlds, influenced by a feeling. Most of the pieces were painted in a midst of the elements, some have pieces of sand closely married with watercolor. Some - her fingerprints. Each one is unique.
Below you’ll find an excerpt from her ocean diary from September 24th, 2019: “When I come to the oceanside, I feel like I’m carrying all my feelings and emotions on a plate. I hold it in front of me. Some days it’s so heavy, that I need to use both hands. Ocean makes me feel bare, stripped off the pretentious masks and layers we often use to survive. Depending on the day, we often choose what we want to look like to others. It’s so deep under the skin, that we perform it subconsciously, as a part of a survival mode in a big city. With every step I make on a hot sandy beach, my armor comes off, I’m shedding those layers one by one. I allow salty wind to carry them far away along with the desire to look a certain way. When I’m there, at the place of my power, I want to be raw. I want to be myself, just the way I am.”