About Ewa Dabkiewicz
I have been living in the middle of Poland .
I graduated of the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz, Poland
I work mainly with watercolors and inks or acrylic but I am also graphic designer
and print-maker. I love printmaking very much.
As far as I remember ART has always been my greatest love .
My body of works covers various techniques from graphic design through collages, woodcuts and lino-cuts to watercolors and ink or acrylic paintings.
My preferred subject is a human body and I'm fascinated by nature..
to be honest I am looking inspiration all the time .. and I can find it
in so many places and subjects.
Since I remember I knew that I have to follow my heart
and just create.
I would like to share my art with the world
In my EVARTSTUDIO shop you can find original paintings,printmakings
based on my designs .
All my works are made with care for you.
Really Thanks so much for stopping by !