About Eva Wirén
1983 - 1984
KVs Artschool in Gothenburg Sweden
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Event: Kulturnatta Göteborg
Dates: 29 Oct 2021 - 29 Oct 2021
Welcome everyone to an evening where you get the opportunity to
travel into art and leave time and space. Visual artist Eva Wiren,
who has her studio in the Kronhus district, shows abstract art that
attracts us to explore and illuminate the valuable voids and
spaces that exist around us. We are open at 17-21
Eva takes inspiration and power from dreams. The intention of her painting is to manifest the soul's innermost essence and the unconscious.
In painting, Eva lets the intuition and emotion control. Her art reflects her soul and where she is at the moment. It is therefore always
changing in both color and temperament as life itself..
Eva's desire is to be able to touch people through art, in a way where we allow ourselves to reflect on our own potential and who we are.
She wants her art to help others discover new aspects of themselves.
Welcome to share her world.
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