Erkin Yılmaz

Joined Artfinder: Aug. 2022

Artworks for sale: 27



About Erkin Yılmaz

  • Biography

    😊Hello, I'm Erkin Yılmaz, a dedicated watercolor artist with a profound passion for capturing the beauty of humanity, animals, and the natural world. From my early years, I've cultivated a deep reverence for these elements, and it's this sentiment that forms the foundation of my artistic creations.

    About My Art: My artistic journey revolves around the vast expanse of the sky, the tranquil embrace of the sea, and the graceful presence of sailboats. These elements stir a deep sense of inspiration within me, evoking feelings of peace and serenity that find voice in my watercolor artworks. The enchanting mystique of watercolor has captivated my heart, and I find solace in the mysterious interplay between pigments and gravity as brushstrokes caress the surface of the paper.

    Style and Technique: Fascinated by the interplay of light, shade, and intricate details found in nature, I bring forth my vision through a blend of realism and impressionism. Each piece is a careful orchestration of pigments and emotions, depicting subjects with a meticulous eye.

    Exhibitions and Recognition: My works, often rendered in small to medium sizes, bear testament to my emerging status as an artist. I actively participate in exhibitions and workshops, sharing my unique artistic language with a diverse audience. Having been displayed in galleries across Turkey and abroad, my artworks have also gained recognition on international online platforms.

    Sharing the Passion: Driven by an unwavering enthusiasm, I seek to touch the hearts of art enthusiasts worldwide. My creative journey unfolds within the intimate confines of my personal workshop, where I continue to nurture my craft and inspire others.

    Connect with Me: Whether you're an art enthusiast, a fellow artist, or someone curious about the world of watercolor, I invite you to connect with me. Let's share our love for art, creativity, and the wonders of the natural world.

    Thank you for joining me on this artistic journey.

    Erkin Yılmaz

  • Links
  • Education

    2018 - 2019


    2018 - 2019


  • Upcoming Events

    There are no upcoming events

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    Previous events

    Event: Bridges International Watercolor Painting Exhibition.

    Dates: 9 Mar 2023 - 15 Mar 2023

    Venue: Caddebostan Cultural Center, Kadıköy / İstanbul / Türkiye

    “Bridges International Watercolor Painting Exhibition”, Kadıköy/İstanbul, Caddebostan Cultural Center, 09-15 Mar 2023.

    Event: ARTANKARA 9th International Contemporary Art Fair.

    Dates: 9 Mar 2023 - 12 Mar 2023

    Venue: Ato Congressium and Exhibition Center, Ankara / Türkiye

    ARTANKARA 9th International Contemporary Art Fair, Ankara, ATO Congresium Congress and Exhibition Center, 09-12 Mar 2023.

    Event: "Bonds" International Watercolor Exhibition.

    Dates: 7 Jan 2023 - 16 Jan 2023

    Venue: Tarık Zafer Tunaya Cultural Center, Beyoğlu / İstanbul / Türkiye

    "Bonds" International Watercolor Exhibition, Tarık Zafer Tunaya Cultural Center Beyoğlu / İstanbul.

    Event: "Soldier Painters Exhibition"

    Dates: 28 Jul 2022 - 18 Aug 2022

    Venue: Ali Hakan Aykan (Trafo) Culture and Art Center, Bodrum / Muğla / Türkiye

    "Soldier Painters Exhibition" Ali Hakan Aykan (Trafo) Culture and Art Center, Bodrum / Muğla / Türkiye

    Event: "Soldier Painters Exhibition"

    Dates: 6 May 2022 - 16 May 2022

    Venue: GaleriM Art Gallery, Çankaya / Ankara / Türkiye

    "Soldier Painters Exhibition", Çankaya-Ankara, GaleriM Art Gallery, 06-16 May 2022

    Event: "Mornington Art Show Exhibition"

    Dates: 23 Jan 2022 - 30 Jan 2022

    Venue: Mornington Art Show, Mornington, Victoria, Avustralia

    "Mornington Art Show Exhibition", Mornington, Victoria, Avustralia, 23 - 30 January 2022,

    Event: "Sorrento Art Show Exhibition"

    Dates: 6 Jan 2022 - 19 Jan 2022

    Venue: The Sorrento Art Show, Sorrento Community Centre, David MacFarlan Reserve, Sorrento, Victoria, Australia

    "Sorrento Art Show Exhibition", Sorrento, Victoria, Avustralia, 06 -19 January 2022,

    Event: "Cumhuriyetin 98. Yılı Sergisi"

    Dates: 29 Oct 2021 - 5 Nov 2021

    Venue: Port Art Gallery, Portakalçiçeği, Çankaya / Ankara / Turkey

    "Cumhuriyetin 98. Yılı Sergisi" Exhibition Ankara, Turkey, 29 October 2021

    Event: "Soldier Painters Exhibition"

    Dates: 20 Oct 2021 - 30 Oct 2021

    Venue: Neta Art, Kadıköy / İstanbul / Türkiye

    "Soldier Painters Exhibition", Kadıköy-Istanbul, NetaArt Art Gallery



2018 - 2019


2018 - 2019


There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: Bridges International Watercolor Painting Exhibition.

Dates: 9 Mar 2023 - 15 Mar 2023

Venue: Caddebostan Cultural Center, Kadıköy / İstanbul / Türkiye

“Bridges International Watercolor Painting Exhibition”, Kadıköy/İstanbul, Caddebostan Cultural Center, 09-15 Mar 2023.

Event: ARTANKARA 9th International Contemporary Art Fair.

Dates: 9 Mar 2023 - 12 Mar 2023

Venue: Ato Congressium and Exhibition Center, Ankara / Türkiye

ARTANKARA 9th International Contemporary Art Fair, Ankara, ATO Congresium Congress and Exhibition Center, 09-12 Mar 2023.

Event: "Bonds" International Watercolor Exhibition.

Dates: 7 Jan 2023 - 16 Jan 2023

Venue: Tarık Zafer Tunaya Cultural Center, Beyoğlu / İstanbul / Türkiye

"Bonds" International Watercolor Exhibition, Tarık Zafer Tunaya Cultural Center Beyoğlu / İstanbul.

Event: "Soldier Painters Exhibition"

Dates: 28 Jul 2022 - 18 Aug 2022

Venue: Ali Hakan Aykan (Trafo) Culture and Art Center, Bodrum / Muğla / Türkiye

"Soldier Painters Exhibition" Ali Hakan Aykan (Trafo) Culture and Art Center, Bodrum / Muğla / Türkiye

Event: "Soldier Painters Exhibition"

Dates: 6 May 2022 - 16 May 2022

Venue: GaleriM Art Gallery, Çankaya / Ankara / Türkiye

"Soldier Painters Exhibition", Çankaya-Ankara, GaleriM Art Gallery, 06-16 May 2022

Event: "Mornington Art Show Exhibition"

Dates: 23 Jan 2022 - 30 Jan 2022

Venue: Mornington Art Show, Mornington, Victoria, Avustralia

"Mornington Art Show Exhibition", Mornington, Victoria, Avustralia, 23 - 30 January 2022,

Event: "Sorrento Art Show Exhibition"

Dates: 6 Jan 2022 - 19 Jan 2022

Venue: The Sorrento Art Show, Sorrento Community Centre, David MacFarlan Reserve, Sorrento, Victoria, Australia

"Sorrento Art Show Exhibition", Sorrento, Victoria, Avustralia, 06 -19 January 2022,

Event: "Cumhuriyetin 98. Yılı Sergisi"

Dates: 29 Oct 2021 - 5 Nov 2021

Venue: Port Art Gallery, Portakalçiçeği, Çankaya / Ankara / Turkey

"Cumhuriyetin 98. Yılı Sergisi" Exhibition Ankara, Turkey, 29 October 2021

Event: "Soldier Painters Exhibition"

Dates: 20 Oct 2021 - 30 Oct 2021

Venue: Neta Art, Kadıköy / İstanbul / Türkiye

"Soldier Painters Exhibition", Kadıköy-Istanbul, NetaArt Art Gallery



😊Hello, I'm Erkin Yılmaz, a dedicated watercolor artist with a profound passion for capturing the beauty of humanity, animals, and the natural world. From my early years, I've cultivated a deep reverence for these elements, and it's this sentiment that forms the foundation of my artistic creations.

About My Art: My artistic journey revolves around the vast expanse of the sky, the tranquil embrace of the sea, and the graceful presence of sailboats. These elements stir a deep sense of inspiration within me, evoking feelings of peace and serenity that find voice in my watercolor artworks. The enchanting mystique of watercolor has captivated my heart, and I find solace in the mysterious interplay between pigments and gravity as brushstrokes caress the surface of the paper.

Style and Technique: Fascinated by the interplay of light, shade, and intricate details found in nature, I bring forth my vision through a blend of realism and impressionism. Each piece is a careful orchestration of pigments and emotions, depicting subjects with a meticulous eye.

Exhibitions and Recognition: My works, often rendered in small to medium sizes, bear testament to my emerging status as an artist. I actively participate in exhibitions and workshops, sharing my unique artistic language with a diverse audience. Having been displayed in galleries across Turkey and abroad, my artworks have also gained recognition on international online platforms.

Sharing the Passion: Driven by an unwavering enthusiasm, I seek to touch the hearts of art enthusiasts worldwide. My creative journey unfolds within the intimate confines of my personal workshop, where I continue to nurture my craft and inspire others.

Connect with Me: Whether you're an art enthusiast, a fellow artist, or someone curious about the world of watercolor, I invite you to connect with me. Let's share our love for art, creativity, and the wonders of the natural world.

Thank you for joining me on this artistic journey.

Erkin Yılmaz