About Emanuela Camacci
1994 - 1994
Baranya Creative colonies. Baranyai Alkototelepek Siklos. Villany, Ungary
1991 - 1991
Internationale Sommerakademie fur Bildende kunst. Salzburg, Austria
1989 - 1991
Scuola Comunale delle Arti Ornamentali San Giacomo di Roma, Italy
1986 - 1990
Academy of Fine Arts. Sculpture department. Rome. Italy
1982 - 1986
IV Liceo Artistico A.Caravillani di Roma, Italy
Publication portrait in Stone-Ideas.com
You can read the all interview on the following link:
ARTFINDER. Lead Curator, Alice Phillimore
ISSA International Sculpture Symposium Alliance
Public art works over Public art works in 20 countries, in Italy and abroad
Liu Yang ISSA Secretary General
Winner of the competition for an artwork scheme 2%
3rd Prize in the competition of ideas for a work of art
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Event: Arts Nature
Dates: 3 Jun 2023 - 22 Oct 2023
Arts Nature. Tourouvre au Perche, Francia. Les Muséales de Tourouvre. Director Mr Jonathan Stanic
Event: Mostra Corale Da Cajeta a Circe tra cura e magia un viaggio tra l'Eneide e l'Odissea
Dates: 12 Mar 2023 - 6 May 2023
Mostra Corale Da Cajeta a Circe tra cura e magia un viaggio tra l'Eneide e l'Odissea
Wind Mill noprofit curator: Laura VdB Facchini and Alessandra Frosini
Event: GNAP GERMANY 2021
Dates: 11 Sep 2021 - 30 Sep 2021
Global nomadic art project. Germany 2021. Nature art stories
Opening: 11 September 2021 - 15.00 pm
Location: Internationales Waldkunstzentrum eV, Ludwigstrasse 137, 64285 Darmstadt, Germany
Curators: Internationales Waldkunstzentrum eV, Center for Art and Nature eV
Dates: 15 Apr 2021 - 1 Sep 2021
Opening: Virtual Release: Thursday April 15, 2021 Virtual Exhibition: April 15, 2021 – September 1st, 2021 • Panel Discussion: May 07, 2021 @ 7:00 pm
Location: Online www.sculptorsalliance.org/online-exhibitions
Curator: Vernita Nemec
I was born in Rome (Italy) where I graduated in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts and where I live and have my Art Studio. I have won several awards in International Sculpture Symposiums and international public competitions. My monumental sculptures are installed in Italy and abroad in public spaces and private collections.
Something more
Since my early childhood I have had the need to create an imaginary world, a world to explore, a world that would become real, through my hands. I still keep this ludic side and I love to dive in and feel the materials, explore their potentialities, playing with them.
I also like to think that my work nourishes and inspires a thought, curiosity and an attention to details, so that from a fragment, a texture of one of my works you can move on to observe a blade of grass, a flower, an insect.
I try to transfer the respect and love for nature, the attention to every detail and the analysis of its geometric and organic structure, both through the mainly natural materials I use and through the representation of an intimate and emotional dialogue I have with all living forms, and in particular with the floral universe, as well as with inanimate forms such as rocks. Infact my works are inspired by nature, physical and emotional experiences including humor and sensuality and the representation of urban landscapes I live in.
I love to experiment with the expressive possibilities of materials, such as wood, stone, clay, and very often it is the same materials that I sometimes collect in nature, to suggest to me which path and expressive language to take. My works made directly on site, in urban areas or in natural environment, are often composed of several elements and in relation to the place and space they occupy change in meaning. Lastly, I would like every viewer to experience a real sensorial journey through one of my works on a perceptive and emotional level.