About Elena Yuzefovich
2001 - 2007
Moscow State Stroganov University of Industrial and Applied Arts
Finalist of Internation Competition of Architectoral Drawing
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Event: Spain through the Eyes of a Traveling Artist
Dates: 11 Nov 2020 - 21 Dec 2020
The exhibition was dedicated to the sketches of the places a visited during my travels in Spain. Also, being a long-time fan of Flamenco I like to draw performers in motion at their shows. These works formed the other part of the exhibition.
Dates: 16 Oct 2020 - 1 Nov 2020
The exhibition aims to promote the culture of journey and the art of recording its experience, by drawings and words.
One of my paintings was selected as the official image of the exhibition for this year.
Event: "La Maja Desnuda" or a complex life of seductive Spanish women
Dates: 12 Dec 2019 - 22 Dec 2019
The exhibition was dedicated to Madrid and its inhabitants, their lives, relationships and customs.
Dates: 18 Oct 2019 - 3 Nov 2019
The exhibition aims to promote the culture of journey and the art of recording its experience, by drawings and words.
Dates: 10 May 2019 - 12 May 2019
The Travel Diaries Festival is an exhibition featuring artists among the most followed in the world, and aims to promote the culture of journey and the art of recording its experience, by drawings and words.
Event: Festival Rendez-Vous du carnet de Voyage
Dates: 16 Nov 2018 - 18 Nov 2018
For three days, 100 French and foreign carnettists come to exhibit their travel diaries and meet the public. From watercolors to comics, from traditional notebooks to digital and sound notebooks, all styles are represented, making the Rendez-vous du carnet de Voyage the biggest event of its kind and a unique moment of discovery and sharing.
Dates: 5 Oct 2018 - 21 Oct 2018
The exhibition aims to promote the culture of journey and the art of recording its experience, by drawings and words.
Event: Sketching while traveling. Spain
Dates: 8 Feb 2018 - 2 Oct 2018
The exhibition featured painting and drawings that I made during my trips to Spain.
Event: Italy: Travel Sketches
Dates: 8 Feb 2018 - 2 Oct 2018
The exhibition featured painting and drawings that I made during my trips to Italy.
Dates: 6 Oct 2017 - 22 Oct 2017
The exhibition aims to promote the culture of journey and the art of recording its experience, by drawings and words.
Event: Festival du carnet de voyage
Dates: 9 Jun 2017 - 11 Jun 2017
The exhibition aims to promote the culture of journey and the art of recording its experience, by drawings and words.
Event: Colors of Venice
Dates: 5 Dec 2016 - 12 May 2017
The exhibition featured painting and drawings that I made during my trip to Venice in 2016.
Dates: 30 Sep 2016 - 16 Oct 2016
The exhibition aims to promote the culture of journey and the art of recording its experience, by drawings and words.
I choose the medium I work with depending on the subject I am painting. For old rusty boats, trains or civil constructions I would use oil pastel, which is perfect for producing textures and intense colors. When I want to reflect vibrant and colorful cityscapes, I often choose to use watercolors. For capturing fast movements or flamenco dancers, I use ink.
Also, my choice of material depends on whether I work indoors or outdoors. I prefer to work on location, especially while traveling, and in these situations, I favor mediums that are easy to transport and use outside, such as oil pastels, watercolor and graphic materials. For oil paintings, portraits and nude models, I work in a studio.
My favorite medium at the moment is oil paint. However, I am continuously developing my style and trying different techniques and materials. In general, I tend to make bigger artworks when possible, especially when working with oil paint or oil pastel.
Since 2016 I have participated in several exhibitions and art festivals like:
Festival du carnet de voyage 2017 in Carcassonne, France
Rendez-Vous du carnet de Voyage 2018 in Clermond-Ferrand, France
Diari di Viaggio Festival 2019 in Ferrara, Italy
Matite in Viaggio 2016-2020 in Mestre-Venice, Italy. Where one of my paintings was selected as the official image of the exhibition for this year.
I also took part in several group exhibitions in Moscow, and have had four personal exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg.