Diana Aungier-Rose

Joined Artfinder: April 2015

Artworks for sale: 120


United Kingdom

Reviews for Diana Aungier-Rose


Overall rating

Based on 6 reviews

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Lisa Khwaja, United Kingdom

Review posted 3 Mar 2025

Lovely little painting. Not quite as vibrant as the photo looked, but still lovely and a much appreciated gift.

Lisa Khwaja, United Kingdom

Overall rating

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3 Mar 2025

Lovely little painting. Not quite as vibrant as the photo looked, but still lovely and a much appreciated gift.

Rachel Ermer, United States

Review posted 7 Mar 2021

We loved working with Diana. Our painting is beautiful and exactly what we asked for. Packaging shipped safely even from the UK.

Response from Diana Aungier-Rose

11 Mar 2021

Rachel it was a pleasure to work on this idea for you throughout and it often reminded me of my own fond memories of visits to Paris!

Rachel Ermer, United States

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7 Mar 2021

We loved working with Diana. Our painting is beautiful and exactly what we asked for. Packaging shipped safely even from the UK.

Response from Diana Aungier-Rose

11 Mar 2021

Rachel it was a pleasure to work on this idea for you throughout and it often reminded me of my own fond memories of visits to Paris!

Hannah Mills, United Kingdom

Review posted 8 Feb 2021

I wanted to wait until the painting was framed on the wall for a review, it is absolutely stunning. Such a beautiful painting, was well packaged and delivered in good time. Very much hope to purchase again from this artist!

Response from Diana Aungier-Rose

10 Feb 2021

Hello Hannah, I am so pleased that you like the painting - good reviews and the springtime make me want to paint more, so watch this space! I have a couple of commissions to finish first...

Hannah Mills, United Kingdom

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8 Feb 2021

I wanted to wait until the painting was framed on the wall for a review, it is absolutely stunning. Such a beautiful painting, was well packaged and delivered in good time. Very much hope to purchase again from this artist!

Response from Diana Aungier-Rose

10 Feb 2021

Hello Hannah, I am so pleased that you like the painting - good reviews and the springtime make me want to paint more, so watch this space! I have a couple of commissions to finish first...

Denise Gidley-Sullivan, United Kingdom

Review posted 10 Oct 2020

I simply adore this painting....I was so upset when my original order was lost in transit. Diana painted another one for me! I have it in my bedroom and every morning it's the first thing I see when I wake up, that and my little Jack Russell, Ralph! The painting reminds me of him. Thank you.

Response from Diana Aungier-Rose

10 Oct 2020

I was so dismayed to hear that the painting had gone missing during transit. It was only right that I should paint it again and give it a good home! I absolutely love dogs and enjoy painting them, they seem to come to life with every brush stroke. Thank you, Denise for your kind words...

Denise Gidley-Sullivan, United Kingdom

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10 Oct 2020

I simply adore this painting....I was so upset when my original order was lost in transit. Diana painted another one for me! I have it in my bedroom and every morning it's the first thing I see when I wake up, that and my little Jack Russell, Ralph! The painting reminds me of him. Thank you.

Response from Diana Aungier-Rose

10 Oct 2020

I was so dismayed to hear that the painting had gone missing during transit. It was only right that I should paint it again and give it a good home! I absolutely love dogs and enjoy painting them, they seem to come to life with every brush stroke. Thank you, Denise for your kind words...

Rick Hall, United States

Review posted 12 Aug 2020

We love the painting, the composition and the vibrant colors! Reminds us of Matisse. The packaging took a beating in the shipping (transatlantic). Fortunately, the painting and framing were not damaged.

Response from Diana Aungier-Rose

17 Aug 2020

Oh I’m so relieved that it arrived in one piece despite its ordeal during it's journey. We shall take note for the next time that we send an artwork over seas. I am pleased that you liked the painting as I love working with those particular colours and then pulling them all together at the end to give the artwork some ‘zing” and that the composition pleases the eye. Enjoy! Diana

Rick Hall, United States

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12 Aug 2020

We love the painting, the composition and the vibrant colors! Reminds us of Matisse. The packaging took a beating in the shipping (transatlantic). Fortunately, the painting and framing were not damaged.

Response from Diana Aungier-Rose

17 Aug 2020

Oh I’m so relieved that it arrived in one piece despite its ordeal during it's journey. We shall take note for the next time that we send an artwork over seas. I am pleased that you liked the painting as I love working with those particular colours and then pulling them all together at the end to give the artwork some ‘zing” and that the composition pleases the eye. Enjoy! Diana

Richard Smith, United Kingdom

Review posted 24 Jul 2019

Top notch in every respect!

Richard Smith, United Kingdom

Overall rating

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Listing accuracy

24 Jul 2019

Top notch in every respect!

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