About Dima Braga
1996 - 2001
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts, Ukraine
1992 - 1996
Professional art studio of Boris Danchenko, Sumy, Ukraine
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Event: Personal exhibition, Sumy city gallery, Ukraine.
Dates: 17 Sep 2019 - 6 Oct 2019
My personal exhibition recently was opened on 17th September 2019 in Sumy city gallery. Thank you for all who helped me to make it possible!
Dima Braga was born in 1979 in Ukraine, Sumy. First he studied art for nine years at art studios with great artists and teachers: Michail Yudenkov and Boris Danchenko. In 2001 he graduated from Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts as an industrial designer with honour. Most of all he works from life: landscape painting, still life, figures. But also he is fond of abstract and minimalistic painting.
The first solo exhibition was held in Ukraine, Kiev region in 2016. Personal exhibition also was in Sumy city gallery in 2019. His artworks are in private collections in England, Scotland, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Hungary, UAE, Australia, France, Spain, Cyprus, Hong Kong, India, Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Ukraine and others.