About David Skinner
1982 - 1986
UC Santa Barbara
William Dole Award
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I am currently living in Asheville North Carolina, and am focusing on landscape paintings of the area. I work from photographs that I have taken on hikes and walks, and rely on the process of discovery when creating each painting. Although I take cues from the photos for shapes and composition, I strive for a feeling of immediacy and energy in my work but also try to evoke the tranquility I find while immersed in the land. Drips and gestural marks interplay across the surface of my work but are held together by the logic of the composition. The colors I choose come from an intuitive place that draws inspiration from the land, but then go someplace else entirely. Ultimately each painting has its own logic that only appears after the creative struggle has played itself out on the canvas or paper. After painting for over twenty-five years, I still find the journey thrilling.