About David Cardoso
2013 - 2016
chelsea college of art
There are no upcoming events
Portugal | Angola
2010-13 | Escola Artística António Arroio
2013-16 | Chelsea College of Arts
2016 | Made in Arts London
2016 | .artfinder. Class of 2016
2016 | Clyde and Co Art award
Beginning a work of art opens up many potential outcomes, dreams of what could be. The surface of the canvas gives an altered view from which space can emerge. Shapes overwrite each other sipping in and out of focus. Segments of paint are given physical traits like weight and mass, hanging or stuck between slight straightforward layers that slip around and past the field of perspective.
Structures are adjusted from an assortment of nonexistent, representational and direct sources, then are straightened and re-worked in the painted space.