About Adariiine
2015 - 2020
Brandenburg University of Technology
2008 - 2014
Art School Nr.1
There are no upcoming events
Since my very childhood, I was captivated by the power and beauty of nature. The time I spent every summer at the home of my great-grandmother in the village fishing by the river, minding goats, lying on the grass, and watching the clouds drifting across the sky - all that has been the origin of my passion for painting. Ever since I have been trying to find the key to nature's laws, the key to something bigger and deeper than what we are. The key to universal beauty.
I am happy to relaunch the collection of art presented here with new artworks that still awe at the beauty of the world while adding another dimension to them:
While the constantly changing world is a combination of past, present, and future, I am translating that into a timeless picture merging the techniques from different eras. Beauty and aesthetics were omnipresent in each of them as a matter of philosophical discourse and scientific research. My artistic goal is to unite the planet and people through time. No past is forgotten and no future is unknown. We are everlasting, existing in every second and space simultaneously while being constrained by the limits of our consciousness. The Earth now is the result of the lives of millions of people before us. We are a fragment of their legacy extending the ever-changing whole.
Oftentimes it is easy to fall into thinking of the past cultures and civilizations as primitive and barbarian simply because of the technological progress we made as humanity within the last centuries. Nevertheless, even a glance through the ancient Greek philosophy, a medieval emperor’s diaries, or a Victorian poet’s love letters would be enough for anyone to see that people are always the same. The humanly vulnerability and sensibility tie us together.
It would be my pleasure to fill up your rooms with emotional and provocative art. If you have any questions about my work, inspiration, shipping, or just want to say hello - don´t hesitate to contact me, I would be happy to get in touch.