About Daria Dubrovskaya
2016 - 2018
Studio of the artist Alexei Zagorodnykh, Voronezh
2011 - 2013
Kursk State University, Faculty of Arts and Graphics, Master's degree with the major in Graphic Design
2005 - 2011
Kursk State University, Faculty of Arts and Graphics, specialty Graphic Design
2000 - 2005
Severodvinsk School of Arts No. 2
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Event: Exhibition project «Far Garden»
Dates: 20 Jan 2022 - 6 Feb 2022
This is a large-scale art project about the local mythology of the place, about the relationship of man with space, time and memory. It combines art and research, a multi-focused view of the topic.
Exhibition-remembrance: about summer in winter, about dachas in the museum, about the past and the present, about the ordinary and the secret.
Event: Regional Exhibition of Young Artists
Dates: 6 Dec 2021 - 22 Dec 2021
The exhibition is organized by the Voronezh Regional Union of Artists of Russia. Professional artists, students and amateurs under the age of 35 are invited to participate.
Event: St. Petersburg Art Week
Dates: 22 Jun 2021 - 27 Jun 2021
International Exhibition and Competition of Modern Art
1st place in the Nomination «Impressionism»
Event: «Art Seasons»
Dates: 18 May 2021 - 23 May 2021
International Exhibition and Competition of Nature Arts
Third Prize in the Nomination «Landscape. Winter»
Event: BerryWater Fest
Dates: 12 Oct 2018 - 14 Oct 2018
International Festival of Book Illustration and Visual Literature
Event: «Spot and line. Graphic techniques and techniques»
Dates: 21 Jul 2018 - 12 Aug 2018
Final Exhibition of a series of master classes by artist D.Bulavintsev
Event: «Diptych»
Dates: 27 Mar 2018 - 10 Apr 2018
Exhibition A.V. Zagorodny Studio
Event: VI Exhibition and Competition Youth Professional Illustrators
Dates: 4 Feb 2018 - 27 Feb 2018
«Artur+Masha=Poem». VI Exhibition and Competition Youth Professional Illustrators named after Katya Silina
Event: «Diz.Orientation»
Dates: 3 Oct 2010 - 29 Oct 2010
Regional Design Exhibition Student Artwork
Event: Poster Exhibition and Competition. Dedicated to The World War II
Dates: 2 Apr 2010 - 22 Apr 2010
Municipal Poster Exhibition and Competition by the Kursk Culture Committee. Dedicated to The World War II. First Prize.
Event: IX Regional Youth Art Exhibition
Dates: 1 Mar 2009 - 29 Mar 2009
IX Regional Youth Art Exhibition. Kursk, Russia
I spent my childhood in a small northern town on the coast of the White Sea with its austere, quiet and, at times, inclement weather. Love for simple laconic forms and reserved minimalist color relationships is manifested in my works and becomes the foundation facilitating a conversation with the viewer. Natural and floral motifs and landscapes are themes I works with. The creator's main purpose is to capture on canvas the state and feeling of being evoked by nature in moments of presence and to convey the excitement one feels when touching grass, trees, or observing the endless expanse of a field, sea horizon, or backwoods.
My inspiration is the nature around. I live in the city and very tired from the bustle of a large amount of information around. Going out into nature I like to feel calm, poise, see around only the sky and the earth. It inspires me, gives me strength to live and create. And I want to capture it in pictures and share it with others.