About Daniel Stroup
Shiny Aluminum Participation Trophy
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Event: DRAW Inc. Gallery Opening
Dates: 18 Aug 2017 - 15 Sep 2017
I'll be among 3 artists showing for the DRAW Inc. Gallery Opening. I plan on showing 10-12 new abstracts and will give a short talk about my work, inspiration, and mental process. DRAW Inc is a non-profit organization that benefits disadvantaged youths. Visit http://drawinc.org/ for more info.
Event: 8 O'Clock in the Morning
Dates: 1 Aug 2017 - 3 Sep 2017
Guest curated by Grant Fuhst, 8 O’Clock in the Morning will feature reactions to the current political climate from local artists. A percentage of proceeds will be donated to the local chapter of the International Rescue Committee.
This show will hang August 1st through September 3rd, with a gallery stroll reception on August 18th.
Event: Natural Disorder
Dates: 17 Jun 2016 - 15 Jul 2016
JUNE 9th- Private Opening. 6-9pm (RSVP)
June 17th - Gallery Stroll, 6-9pm (public)
270 S. Main Street, SLC, Ut., 801-558-1523
terencekstephens@comcast.net / www.art270slc.com
Event: Statewide Competition for Utah Artists
Dates: 13 May 2016 - 17 Jun 2016
I've had 2 paintings accepted for juried competition. "Green Day" and "Loud and Proud" will be on display until June 17, 2016
More details at bdac.org
I'm a self-taught artist working primarily in acrylics, watercolor, and gouache. My unique style fuses texture, abstract concepts, and expressionist brushwork. I often combine imagery of decay, corrosion, and chaos with elements of structure and form. Tension and imbalance counter dirty landscapes of a dystopian future. My works represent my own blurry memories and interpretations of experiences, life events, and personal struggles. My canvas bears the scars, wounds and emotional toll that oftentimes builds over one's life.
I live with my wife in the greater Seattle area. Feel free to contact me about my work, or you can link up with me on social media at one of the web links located on this page.