Dan Hepperle

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Flow Fine Art

Joined Artfinder: Feb. 2019

Artworks for sale: 0


About Dan Hepperle

  • Biography
    Dan Hepperle, who works in the seclusion of a village in the Eifel, paints in the main color white, which suggests tranquillity, concentration and timelessness. He takes up the subject of light and points to something non-physical, metaphysical. With infinite variations he always creates new atmospheres and moods. Space is another theme, expressed as a line that enters the scene, playfully dancing, or austere and straightforward. His paintings seem alive and yet at rest, they seem to show little and yet a lot. Since 1994 he is present at numerous exhibitions and fairs in Germany and the Netherlands. His works are in many private collections and in public ownership at banks and companies. Born in 1956, the artist is inspired by Zen and plays the shakuhachi flute.

    Solo exhibitions (selection)

    1994 - Versiko-Gallery, Düsseldorf
    1995 - DANADA, Cologne
    1996 - Haus Nordhelle, Meinerzhagen
    1997 - Deutsche Bank, Cologne
               ART- & Mediaservice, Cologne
               Landschaftsverband Rheinland,
               Rheinische Kliniken, Langenfeld
    1998 - Das Kunstforum der VPV, Cologne
               Gallery Frederick Willems "Art in progress", Amsterdam
    1999 - Junge Gallery, Dietzenbach
               Kaiser-Karl-Klinik, Bonn
               Gallery Ednubalk, Aachen
               Kunstverein Brühl
    2000 - Domicil, Cologne
               Rheinbraun AG, Cologne
               Lichthof der VHS, Cologne
    2001 - Gallery Frederick Willems, Amsterdam
    2002 - Gallery Tönnissen, Cologne
               Halle Kunstwerk, Cologne
    2003 - Warnemünde / Gallery Möller
    2003 - Magdeburg / Innenministerium des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
    2004 - Gallery Frederick Willems, Amsterdam
    2005 - Gallery Frederick Willems, Amsterdam
               Kunsthaus Steinbach, Krefeld
               Atelierhaus Unikate, Nettersheim-Pesch
    2007 - City Hall Euskirchen
    2008 - Gallery Forum Lindenthai, Cologne
    2009 - Gallery Einmalich, Roettgen
    2010 - Gallery T, Middelburg, Netherlands

    Joint exhibitions (selection)

    1996 - Kreismuseium Blankenheim
    1997 - Musees de Verviers, Verviers (Belgien)
               Das Kunstforum der VPV, Cologne
    1998 - Kreismuseium Blankenheim
               Gallery Art Vivant, La Roche sur Yon, France
               Gallery ON, Cologne
               Das Kunstforum der VPV, Cologne
    1999 - Street-Gallery, Buchhandlung Kaiser, Cologne-Lindenthal
    2000 - Gallery ednubalk, Aachen
               Ausstellungsort "die Werft", Cologne
               Lichthof der VHS, Cologne
    2002 - Kreismuseum Blankenheim
               Gallery Tönnissen, Cologne
    2003 - Cologneisches Stadtmuseum Zündorfer Wehrturm
               Museum Seligenstadt
               Kreismuseium Blankenheim
               Gallery Tönnissen, Cologne
    2004 - Halle Kunstwerk, Cologne
    2005 - Eifeler Ateliertage Kreismuseum Blankenheim
    2006 - Kunsthaus Steinbach, Krefeld
               Gallery Frederick Willems, Amsterdam
               Gallery Pohlkötter, Münster
               2. Eifeler Ateliertage
               Gallery im alten Kloster, Cologne (Porz-Zündorf)
               Kunstverein zu Frechen (Jahresgaben)
    2007 - Kulturbunker Mülheim, Cologne
               Atatürk-Kulturzentrum, Istanbul
    2008 - FWBK, Amsterdam (with Lon Pennock)
    2009 - Kunsthaus Steinbach, Krefeld (with Setsuko Fukoshima)
               Eifeler Ateliertage (with Setsuko Fukoshima)
    2010 - Seasons Gallery, Den Haag, Netherlands (gemeinsam with Lon Pennock)
               Kunstverein Frechen (gemeinsam with Lon Pennock)
    2011 - HLP-Gallery, Cologne-Wesseling
               Gallery ART-IST, Castrop-Rauxel
               FWBK-Gallery, Amsterdam
    2012 - Kunstkabinett Hespert (with Lon Pennock), Reichshof Hespert
               Gallery T, Middelburg
               Qnstkwadrate in der Qnstvitrine, Bertha von Suttner Platz 2-4, Bonn
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Dan Hepperle, who works in the seclusion of a village in the Eifel, paints in the main color white, which suggests tranquillity, concentration and timelessness. He takes up the subject of light and points to something non-physical, metaphysical. With infinite variations he always creates new atmospheres and moods. Space is another theme, expressed as a line that enters the scene, playfully dancing, or austere and straightforward. His paintings seem alive and yet at rest, they seem to show little and yet a lot. Since 1994 he is present at numerous exhibitions and fairs in Germany and the Netherlands. His works are in many private collections and in public ownership at banks and companies. Born in 1956, the artist is inspired by Zen and plays the shakuhachi flute.

Solo exhibitions (selection)

1994 - Versiko-Gallery, Düsseldorf
1995 - DANADA, Cologne
1996 - Haus Nordhelle, Meinerzhagen
1997 - Deutsche Bank, Cologne
           ART- & Mediaservice, Cologne
           Landschaftsverband Rheinland,
           Rheinische Kliniken, Langenfeld
1998 - Das Kunstforum der VPV, Cologne
           Gallery Frederick Willems "Art in progress", Amsterdam
1999 - Junge Gallery, Dietzenbach
           Kaiser-Karl-Klinik, Bonn
           Gallery Ednubalk, Aachen
           Kunstverein Brühl
2000 - Domicil, Cologne
           Rheinbraun AG, Cologne
           Lichthof der VHS, Cologne
2001 - Gallery Frederick Willems, Amsterdam
2002 - Gallery Tönnissen, Cologne
           Halle Kunstwerk, Cologne
2003 - Warnemünde / Gallery Möller
2003 - Magdeburg / Innenministerium des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt
2004 - Gallery Frederick Willems, Amsterdam
2005 - Gallery Frederick Willems, Amsterdam
           Kunsthaus Steinbach, Krefeld
           Atelierhaus Unikate, Nettersheim-Pesch
2007 - City Hall Euskirchen
2008 - Gallery Forum Lindenthai, Cologne
2009 - Gallery Einmalich, Roettgen
2010 - Gallery T, Middelburg, Netherlands

Joint exhibitions (selection)

1996 - Kreismuseium Blankenheim
1997 - Musees de Verviers, Verviers (Belgien)
           Das Kunstforum der VPV, Cologne
1998 - Kreismuseium Blankenheim
           Gallery Art Vivant, La Roche sur Yon, France
           Gallery ON, Cologne
           Das Kunstforum der VPV, Cologne
1999 - Street-Gallery, Buchhandlung Kaiser, Cologne-Lindenthal
2000 - Gallery ednubalk, Aachen
           Ausstellungsort "die Werft", Cologne
           Lichthof der VHS, Cologne
2002 - Kreismuseum Blankenheim
           Gallery Tönnissen, Cologne
2003 - Cologneisches Stadtmuseum Zündorfer Wehrturm
           Museum Seligenstadt
           Kreismuseium Blankenheim
           Gallery Tönnissen, Cologne
2004 - Halle Kunstwerk, Cologne
2005 - Eifeler Ateliertage Kreismuseum Blankenheim
2006 - Kunsthaus Steinbach, Krefeld
           Gallery Frederick Willems, Amsterdam
           Gallery Pohlkötter, Münster
           2. Eifeler Ateliertage
           Gallery im alten Kloster, Cologne (Porz-Zündorf)
           Kunstverein zu Frechen (Jahresgaben)
2007 - Kulturbunker Mülheim, Cologne
           Atatürk-Kulturzentrum, Istanbul
2008 - FWBK, Amsterdam (with Lon Pennock)
2009 - Kunsthaus Steinbach, Krefeld (with Setsuko Fukoshima)
           Eifeler Ateliertage (with Setsuko Fukoshima)
2010 - Seasons Gallery, Den Haag, Netherlands (gemeinsam with Lon Pennock)
           Kunstverein Frechen (gemeinsam with Lon Pennock)
2011 - HLP-Gallery, Cologne-Wesseling
           Gallery ART-IST, Castrop-Rauxel
           FWBK-Gallery, Amsterdam
2012 - Kunstkabinett Hespert (with Lon Pennock), Reichshof Hespert
           Gallery T, Middelburg
           Qnstkwadrate in der Qnstvitrine, Bertha von Suttner Platz 2-4, Bonn