About Cornelia Petrea
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Event: The International Multi Art Events Monaco
Dates: 17 Apr 2018 - 22 Apr 2018
www.multiart.gallery - The INTERNATIONAL MULTI ART EVENTS EXHIBITION 2018, organisé par Multi Art Events By Wendy Lauwers Monaco, présente la 2ème édition de son Salon d’Art contemporain multi artistes.
Cette exposition qui rassemblera au total 40 artistes du monde entier se tiendra au Château des Terrasses de Cap d’Ail, du 17 au 22 avril 2018.
Le vernissage aura lieu mardi 17 avril à partir de 18H.
À cette occasion et avant l’arrivée du public, une conférence de presse sera donnée, à 17h, en présence de tous les artistes. La presse aura ainsi le privilège de découvrir en exclusivité les œuvres installées au château des Terrasses.
Wendy Lauwers, organisatrice de ce salon, a rigoureusement sélectionné l’ensemble des œuvres exposées. Son désir : organiser un salon d’art de qualité et faire ainsi le lien entre les collectionneurs, les amateurs d’art et les artistes dans un lieu d’exception.
Representation: Multiart Gallery Monaco
I’m a self taught artist and I began to paint abstract as pure expressionism. Once the palette knife was in my hand, I connected to abstract art in a way I had never connected to any creative output.
I work in acrylic and oils and prefer larger canvases, finding a mental openness when painting on this scale. What fascinates me most is energy and light; the energy and light within and without the human mind and soul, as well as the energy of a painting. I hope to share my love of the world and of states of fullness through my work. There is so much to be grateful for in this beautiful and sacred world and that is what I am contemplating when I paint.
And so my art is an ever evolving expression of what freedom feels like. My creativity and love for colors happend to be a good way to help myself through tough times. Creativity in all different ways connects us to who we really are. It is an expression of our inner being and our inner thoughts, feelings and ideas. I create art which embodies a road map, back to a place where you can see and recognize the person that you want and strive to be. Art that inspires us to remember who we are!
Art that reminds us of the life that we have learned to love. Art that instills thoughts of freedom and liberty. Instead of forcing you to think in any certain way, we inspire free thinking, ability to conjure thoughts of one-self with each piece that we make.