About Chris Walker
1950 - 2014
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Previous events
Event: Déconfiné et Démasqué
Dates: 23 Jul 2021 - 29 Jul 2021
Les dernières œuvres de Chris Walker. Deux ans de peintures non exposées.
Chris Walker' latest. Two years of unexposed paintings.
All for sale at discounted prices.
Event: Quelle Année
Dates: 21 Jun 2019 - 27 Jun 2019
What a Year
Exposition de mes peintures à l'huile de la dernière année
Exhibition of my oil paintings of the last year
La Galerie Plasti'Art,
Manosque, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence
Event: Chris Walker Paintings
Dates: 12 Jul 2018 - 18 Jun 2018
Works produced within the last year. A medley of large and small formats, with subject matter form straight to quirky, rendered in full colour to monochrome. Significant price discounts.
Event: Quoi Que Ce Soit .... Whatever
Dates: 6 Jul 2017 - 13 Jul 2017
Exhibition of paintings, mainly from those produced since last Expo in St Paul, April 2016
Event: Art-in-the-Barn @ Oxfordshire Arts Week
Dates: 13 May 2016 - 22 May 2016
After a successful little starter exhibition in St. Paul lez Durance this April, I am coming back to Britain this May. Mo Sollis and her select band of artists* have invited me again to be part of Art in the Barn [262] within the Oxfordshire Artweeks Festival (www.artweeks.org). For this I am bringing a new selection of paintings.
This is still at St Audries Cottage, Church Lane, Dry Sandford, Abingdon
on 14,15 and 19,20,21,22 May from 11:00 to 18:00
Just come along If you care to join us for a glass of wine on the Preview Night Friday 13th May from 18:00
Denyse and I would love to see you if you can make it.
*Mo Sollis, Nathalie Hamill, John Huddleston, Ishtar Sharpe, Joan Dutton, Marylyn Garraway, Phill Blake, Kate Coker, Andrew Thompson & Charlotte Elston with Paintings, Ceramics, Textiles, Sculpture, Jewellery, Glas
I am reducing the quantity of paintings on this site to make it more manageable. Please see more paintings and sold pieces at my website or contact me. New works are added regularly and new ideas considered. Commissions and quasi-commissions (contact me and I'll explain) are always welcome.