About Chloe Hedden
2016 - 2016
B School
1998 - 2002
Rhode Island School of Design
Best Children's Book of the Year
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Event: Simplifying the Essentials
Dates: 15 Jul 2016 - 15 Aug 2016
Group show with my gallery in Denver.
As an artist, I look for the unseen patterns and hidden narratives that reveal the magnificence in all things. Robert Henri said, "Paint the spirit of the bird rather than its feathers." There is a still point in every moment and to capture this essential luminescence is to acknowledge the ancient wisdom in all things. I make use of archetypes from the cultural and mystical history that connects all humans and all life forms. Joseph Campbell said that artists are the shamans of our time. I believe that we have the ability as well as the obligation to find and share truth and offer direction to the greater community. It is with this inspiration that I delve into the riches of the collective unconscious and the imagery and symbolism of my dreams to draw out something bigger than myself to share with the world.
I was born and raised in Utah's wild red desert, but have had the great fortune to call many amazing places around the world my home. A graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design, I am as comfortable painting large oils as I am illustrating children’s books. In 2007, I won an International Creativity award in the category of commercial illustration for “The Peaceful Warrior.” My first children’s book, “The Illuminated Desert,” written by Terry Tempest Williams and published by the Canyonlands Natural History Association in 2008, won The Mountains and Plains Bookseller’s Award for Best Children’s Book.