About Charlotte Anna Reed HAPPY ART
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Event: The Wey Gallery
Dates: 15 Jul 2015 - 31 Oct 2015
I have a lovely selection of arty delights currently at The Wey Gallery, Godalming, Surrey UK. It is such a beautiful gallery. You can check my pieces out there or on their website here -http://www.theweygallery.com/artonthewey.htm
Hello art lovers!
I am the original happy floral artist. I have been painting glorious, happy art for so long now in Salisbury, Wiltshire and I have put so much blood, sweat and tears into making my hobby my career. I truly put a great amount of love and care into everything I do. Follow my art journey and how much it takes to create my work through Facebook & Instagram- @charlotteannareed -Thank you!
Commissions welcome. I also have other artworks at my own website. Enjoy! Feel free to message me to say hello too.