About Charles Willmott
1960 - 1963
Birmingham College of Art UK
Garrick/Milne Prize
Garrick/Milne Prize
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Previous events
Event: Swan Lake
Dates: 16 Oct 2014 - 16 Nov 2014
Work with The Russian Ballet of Siberia
Event: Selected work
Dates: 20 May 2011 - 20 Jun 2011
Dance & Female Form
Event: Burlesque
Dates: 11 Jun 2010 - 11 Jul 2010
Selected works
Event: London Dance
Dates: 15 Feb 2010 - 15 Mar 2010
Selected new works
Event: Works from BRB
Dates: 30 Mar 2008 - 30 Apr 2008
Collection of new works from BRB
Event: Mainly Dance
Dates: 28 Mar 2007 - 30 Apr 2007
Collection of Charles Willmott's work
Event: Charles Willmott's work
Dates: 15 Apr 2005 - 30 Apr 2005
Various works from recent collections
Event: Cabaret
Dates: 3 Jun 2003 - 3 Jul 2003
Based on Caberet
Event: Dance & Ballet
Dates: 16 Apr 1998 - 16 May 1998
Selected work including Ballet Rambert
Event: Holland Exhibition
Dates: 15 Mar 1997 - 16 Apr 1997
Selected Dance and Female Form works
Event: Scottish Ballet
Dates: 15 Jun 1996 - 15 Jul 1996
Collection of work featuring The Scottish Ballet
Event: The Art of Dance
Dates: 20 Apr 1996 - 20 Apr 1996
Selected work from Dance Artists
Event: Dance & Ballet
Dates: 29 Oct 1995 - 29 Nov 1995
Dance & Ballet
Event: The World of SUMO
Dates: 13 Feb 1995 - 13 Mar 1995
Follow-up exhibition (2)
Event: Voces y Ecos
Dates: 2 May 1994 - 30 May 1994
A collection of original works featuring Flamenco Dance sensation Paco Penya
Event: The World of SUMO
Dates: 10 Oct 1992 - 20 Nov 1992
One-Man follow-up exhibition in Japan
Event: The World of SUMO
Dates: 9 Oct 1991 - 30 Oct 1991
Exhibition of studies, original paintings and original silk screen editions
As subject matter I would probably have to confess to a near obsession with dance, particularly the ballet. In classical roles I've enjoyed the privilege of working with many greats, like Darcey Bussell, Miyako Yoshida, Monica Zamora, Kevin O'Hare, Catherine Batcheller and Joe Cipolla.
I have experienced the energy of contemporary dance whilst working with the Rambert Dance Company, particularly with choreographers Christopher Bruce and Wayne McGregor...of course Wayne is now breathing new life into the ballet at the Royal Opera House in London.
Over the years I've made several detours working with the Flamenco dance sensation Joaquin Cortes, classical Indian dancers Sonia Sabri and Chitraleka Bolar and many other forms of dance.
My admiration for the beauty and grace of dancers has deepened my interest in distilling the essence of the female form. My aim, to capture the mobility, rhythms, fragility, strength and sensuality of woman.
The girls with whom I work hail from all walks of life, some are models but many have ordinary lives and jobs where they have no need to expose themselves to a critical eye. It’s a matter of delicate negotiation as to how much of their bodies or themselves they would like to reveal.
I work from my studio, attached to my home in Herefordshire, the rural heart of England, with my wife and our four cats and I continue to be inspired by and dedicated to three main disciplines, dance, female form and portraiture.