Ceinwen Birrell

Joined Artfinder: April 2023

Artworks for sale: 12


United Kingdom

About Ceinwen Birrell

  • Biography
    Painting is a form of self care and of self analysis and learning for me. My work mirrors the ebbs and flows of my life. Therefore my process can at times be challenging but equally it is often full of joy and freedom.  

    My paintings explore juxtapositions between things, liminal spaces that exist between harder, binary borders. With my work I find myself weaving together the ordinary with the surreal and psychedelic; playing between the realms of the conscious and unconscious mind; inhabiting a space between humour and grief; and where queer and radical merge with the conformities of life. My paintings contain echoes of myths, folk-lore and magick intermingled with the mundane day-to-day. Focusing on these liminal spaces often brings me to consider rights of passage. Watching my children grow and adapt to our modern world and its customs, has helped me to understand myself and my own experiences. This learning connects to my interest in human development- particularly in relation to our unconscious minds; how the life stories that play out around me connect with age old stories and beliefs from around the world. I’m interested in how unconscious knowledge connects to these stories through our behaviour and through our dream time and what this reflect back to us and why.

    In terms of process I begin new work using a combination of references from collected images and personal photographs and from preliminary sketches a painting then develops. Often my early ideas or intentions shift and adapt as the process unfolds.

    Overall, I am concerned with questioning and subverting classical archetypal understandings around family, tradition, faith and magick.
  • Links
  • Education

    2016 - 2019

    MA in Art psychotherapy- USW

    2008 - 2009

    MA in Fine Art- Bath Spa

    2002 - 2005

    BA in Fine art- UWE

  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: The Other Art FAir

    Dates: 9 Mar 2023 - 12 Mar 2023

    Venue: The Truman's Brewery, Shorditch, London

    London art fair

    Event: Bristol Artist's Collaborative

    Dates: 8 Dec 2021 - 13 Dec 2021

    Venue: D Unit Studio, Bristol

    A group show

    Event: Examined Impressions

    Dates: 1 Oct 2021 - 8 Oct 2021

    Venue: Lansdown Gallery, Stroud

    A group of art psychotherapist's work



2016 - 2019

MA in Art psychotherapy- USW

2008 - 2009

MA in Fine Art- Bath Spa

2002 - 2005

BA in Fine art- UWE

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: The Other Art FAir

Dates: 9 Mar 2023 - 12 Mar 2023

Venue: The Truman's Brewery, Shorditch, London

London art fair

Event: Bristol Artist's Collaborative

Dates: 8 Dec 2021 - 13 Dec 2021

Venue: D Unit Studio, Bristol

A group show

Event: Examined Impressions

Dates: 1 Oct 2021 - 8 Oct 2021

Venue: Lansdown Gallery, Stroud

A group of art psychotherapist's work



Painting is a form of self care and of self analysis and learning for me. My work mirrors the ebbs and flows of my life. Therefore my process can at times be challenging but equally it is often full of joy and freedom.  

My paintings explore juxtapositions between things, liminal spaces that exist between harder, binary borders. With my work I find myself weaving together the ordinary with the surreal and psychedelic; playing between the realms of the conscious and unconscious mind; inhabiting a space between humour and grief; and where queer and radical merge with the conformities of life. My paintings contain echoes of myths, folk-lore and magick intermingled with the mundane day-to-day. Focusing on these liminal spaces often brings me to consider rights of passage. Watching my children grow and adapt to our modern world and its customs, has helped me to understand myself and my own experiences. This learning connects to my interest in human development- particularly in relation to our unconscious minds; how the life stories that play out around me connect with age old stories and beliefs from around the world. I’m interested in how unconscious knowledge connects to these stories through our behaviour and through our dream time and what this reflect back to us and why.

In terms of process I begin new work using a combination of references from collected images and personal photographs and from preliminary sketches a painting then develops. Often my early ideas or intentions shift and adapt as the process unfolds.

Overall, I am concerned with questioning and subverting classical archetypal understandings around family, tradition, faith and magick.