1989 - 1990
John Moores University, Liverpool
1984 - 1987
B A (Hons) Fine Art Painting, Staffordshire University
Millenium Award
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Event: 'Bound and Unground'
Dates: 15 Jul 2019 - 8 Sep 2019
An exhibition of my recent paintings along with the chance to see my winged golden wheelchair in the air.
Event: Different Horizons
Dates: 27 Jun 2017 - 6 Aug 2017
An Exhibition by 6 North Wales Artists curated by Catherine Taylor Parry
Event: Different Horizons
Dates: 6 Mar 2017 - 25 Mar 2017
An exciting exhibition of 6 North Wales Artists, who all use the landscape in a variety of ways.
Event: 'Bound and Ground' Dec 2015- Jan 2016
Dates: 7 Sep 2015 - 5 Jan 2016
An exhibition of a selection of my work, with stunning views of the sea.
Event: 'Evolve'
Dates: 2 Sep 2004 - 30 Oct 2004
An exhibition of my recent work, evolved since being diagnosed with MS
Event: 'Evolve'
Dates: 5 Mar 2004 - 29 Mar 2003
An exhibition by Enable Artists
I am inspired by the amazing views where I live and my abstract work is very suggestive of my surrounding landscape. I enjoy the manipulation of paint and the almost accidental positioning of marks, texture and composition.
The artist's work I first loved was the late work of Turner. I have MS which does limit my ability to get out and about, but doesn't stop me creating.I have been exhibiting and selling my work since leaving university with a honours degree in Fine Art.
My work has been exhibited throughout the UK and I have collections in the UK and France.