About Caroline MASON
1996 - 1999
Norwhich School of Arts
Bachelor of Arts
He was very chuffed with the graphics design department, then he got to fine arts.............. "This degree will be so usefull for........." (he was at a loss for words) "making our walls prettier" LOL
I had written a long document on conceptual art...i dont think anyone but me read it.
I found it in my parents attik, ....i didnt understand it either :-/
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Event: Permanent exposition
Dates: 1 May 2017 - 31 Dec 2017
Métiers d’Art Sant Roch is an association of artists and handcrafters
created in 1968 who present their work in a beautiful,historical
building in the heart of Céret, in the South of France, a link between artists and public.
You will find many of my latest works here