About Carole King
1999 - 2004
Surrey Institute of Art and Design
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Event: Carole King and Glenn Ibbitson
Dates: 17 Jun 2019 - 24 Jun 2019
Exhibition of paintings, original artists prints, hand stitched and bound books and tunnel books
Open 10-5 pm everyday
Work to purchase
Carole works as a painter, printmaker and bookbinder
Collagraphs, relief prints and silkscreen printmaking processes are used: combining text, diagrams, maps and figurative images with folklore and traditional symbolism to create a moment in time or a ‘sense of place’. Ideas are initially developed through background research in conjunction with close physical and visual examination of objects in the landscape.
Realistic paintings and drawings, use saturated colours, exaggerated scale or unusual viewpoints to emphasize specific traits: these ideas and compositions may be used later in more abstract pieces but also exist as finished pieces in their own right.