About Bruce Atherton
I am an English artist currently based in London, though I have spent many years living and working in Italy. My work has always been very eclectic in nature. I have spent my whole life drawing, painting sculpting and photographing, though painting oil on canvas is my greatest passion artistically. I have always considered it of high importance to train my skills to the highest of my abilities, and to take this into my more creative paintings. I have often worked using portraiture as the base of this continued exploration of technique. I also have phases where I explore landscapes, such as those I present here, to allow me to paint either directly from life or else to explore the colors and moods of a scene that calls me. These understandings and experiments often allow me to express myself with great confidence in my other larger and more experimental works. The two different paths have allowed me to find an inner balance and also to allow myself to push my own limits.