About Bev Jones
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Previous events
Event: Rain & Shine
Dates: 22 Feb 2018 - 22 Mar 2018
City scenes in different weather conditions.
Event: City moments
Dates: 2 Jun 2017 - 30 Jun 2017
I will be showing a selection of my South London street scenes at the Paxton Center in Crystal Palace for the month of June. I will also be at the public view evening on Friday the 2nd June, 7pm-11pm if you would like to meet me for a chat and a drink as well as enjoying the artwork.
work captures beautifully the extraordinary nature of ordinary
moments, evoking wonder and majic through vibrant colours and
intricate details but never quite losing it's roots in everyday city
life. She has two ranges of paintings, one focusing on city streets
and crowds, the other focusing on leaves and pavements.
Elected a member of the United Society of Artists in December 2015.
extensively at Croydon University Hospital which now owns and
displays a number of Bev's original paintings as well as an
extensive range prints.
Studio Upstairs, Croydon, March 2018
Paxton Art Center, Crystal Palace, June 2017
Ripley Arts Center, Bromley, Jan 2017
Studio Upstairs, Croydon, Oct 2016
Matthews Yard, Croydon, Oct 2014
Group Exhibitions
Exhibit Here- Art Maze 2016, Barge House, London
UA Members Exhibition 2016, Bankside Gallery, London
Croydon Art Society, 2015, Fairfield Halls, Croydon
UA Members Exhibition 2015, Bankside Gallery, London
Chelsea Art Society Open, 2014, Chelsea Old Town Hall, London
Croydon Art Society , 2014, Fairfield Halls, Croydon
UA Members Exhibition 2014, Bankside Gallery, London
UA Annual Open 2014, Cork Street, London
Chelsea Art Society Open 2013, Chelsea Old Town Hall, London
Croydon Art Society, 2013, Fairfield Halls, Croydon
UA Annual Open 2013,Menier Gallery, London
Patchings Art Compertition 2017, Highly Commended in the Artist category.