Bernadette Koranteng

Joined Artfinder: Sept. 2014

Artworks for sale: 20


United Kingdom

Updates from Bernadette Koranteng's studio

  • Absorbed in work

    Absorbed in work

    exploring, experimenting - it's a messy business!

    02 November 2015

    Hanging an Exhibition

    Hanging an Exhibition

    Here I'm hanging a mixed-media sculpture for 'The Urban Madonna' exhibition in Spennymoor Art Gallery.

    01 August 2015

    Engrossed in a life drawing, working in charcoal directly from the model.

    Engrossed in a life drawing, working in charcoal directly from the model.

    05 June 2015

    Organised Chaos!

    Organised Chaos!

    I like to lay-out a selection of drawings, collage materials and inks then just work quite intuitively. The creative process can look messy to other people. But that's the beauty of having your own studio, you can surround yourself with materials and immerse yourself in what inspires you.

    14 April 2015

    Rolling out ink for a monoprint

    Rolling out ink for a monoprint

    I love this very simple printing method. It can be very unpredictable - you just have to go with the flow. Sometimes it just doesn't work: either too much ink or the drawing needs some adjustment to suit the method. So you try again......

    14 April 2015