Benedicte Gele

Joined Artfinder: Sept. 2015

Artworks for sale: 492



About Benedicte Gele

  • Biography
    Bénédicte Gelé is drawn equally to the animal and to the act of drawing itself. The living form, with its curves and movement, reminds her of the nude studies of her school days. The body in its simplest form, as crude as the pencil stroke, the artist’s basic technique, grey or black, pure and powerful.

    “I do not paint for the myth or legend of the animal, or for its strength, even though I respect all of that. Above all, I paint the physical, the sensual, a wave of primal emotion that the body provokes. I could have chosen a man or a woman, but horses have a cruder, more animal quality to their posture than human beings who tend to intellectualize too much. Horses have a powerful, captivating presence, with their natural solidity. 
  • Links
  • Education

    1995 - 1997

    Lycée de Sèvres

    1992 - 1995

    Lycée de Sèvres

  • Awards


    Bouvet Ladubay Award

    22e Salon International de Saumur – Saumur (France, 49)

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    Three Awards including the First Prize Drawing

    International Equine Art Competition – Art Horse (US)


    First painting Award

    15e Salon International de Saumur - Saumur (France, 49)


    Prix de la ville de Moret

    58e Salon de Moret - Moret-sur-Loing (France, 77)
  • Upcoming Events

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1995 - 1997

Lycée de Sèvres

1992 - 1995

Lycée de Sèvres



Bouvet Ladubay Award

22e Salon International de Saumur – Saumur (France, 49)

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Three Awards including the First Prize Drawing

International Equine Art Competition – Art Horse (US)


First painting Award

15e Salon International de Saumur - Saumur (France, 49)


Prix de la ville de Moret

58e Salon de Moret - Moret-sur-Loing (France, 77)

There are no upcoming events



Bénédicte Gelé is drawn equally to the animal and to the act of drawing itself. The living form, with its curves and movement, reminds her of the nude studies of her school days. The body in its simplest form, as crude as the pencil stroke, the artist’s basic technique, grey or black, pure and powerful.

“I do not paint for the myth or legend of the animal, or for its strength, even though I respect all of that. Above all, I paint the physical, the sensual, a wave of primal emotion that the body provokes. I could have chosen a man or a woman, but horses have a cruder, more animal quality to their posture than human beings who tend to intellectualize too much. Horses have a powerful, captivating presence, with their natural solidity.