About Barry Herbert
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I have been producing drawings, prints and sculpture since the late 1950’s. My pictorial work follows two related avenues of enquiry. One of these involves the selection, isolation and manipulation by photographic means, of tonal information and the production of prints which use these manipulations. The other involves the activity of pen drawing, informed by my experience in visualisation gained in the first. The subjects of my prints and drawings change frequently, but follow certain themes which either consciously or sub-consciously occupy my mind. One common factor which they possess is a lack of deep seriousness. another (except in the case of the early movie subjects, which represent little more than a personal indulgence in nostalgia) might be identified as a dream-like or even surrealist quality. As hints to my dreams, I shall provide alongside individual pictures, a few facts, or fictions, about their sources, along with some thoughts, or fantasies, which occupied my mind during their making.
I was Head of the Department of Fine Art at The University of Leeds, until l992. I am now a freelance artist with the following exhibition and print publication record:
1965 The Manor House Gallery, Ilkley, England
1968 Nahal-Oz, Israel
1969 The University of Leeds, England
1969 Gevim, Israel
1971 The Serpentine Gallery, London, England
1971 The University Gallery, Leeds, England
1972 Galerie Brechbuhl, Grenchen, Switzerland
1972 The Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield, England
1973 Northern Artists' Gallery, Leeds, England
1974 Park Square Gallery, Leeds, England
1974 Victoria Gallery, Harrogate, England
1975 Chapel Gallery, York, England
1976 The University Gallery, Leeds, England
1976 Victoria Gallery, Harrogate, England
1976 Rochdale City Art Gallery, England
1976 Galerie Brechbuhl, Switzerland
1977 3rd International Pigments School, Leeds, England
1979 Galerie Sondermann, Essen, Germany
1979 The Goosewell Gallery, Menston, England
I 979 Galerie Brechbuhl, Switzerland
1979 Galerie Domus Petri, Ortenberg, Germany
1979 Galene Steinmetz, Bonn, Germany
1980 Galerie Regio, Freiburg, Germany
1980 Karl-Marx-Universitat, Leipzig, German Democratic Republic
1981 Galerie Wagerad, Munsingen, Switzerland
1982 The University Gallery, Leeds, England
1982 The Gilbert-Parr Gallery, London, England
1982 Galerie Brechbuhl, Switzerland
1982 Galerie Domus Petri, Germany
1983 Galerie Sondermann, Essen, Germany
1983 Galerie Gilbert, Remetschwiel, Germany
1984 Galerie Wagerad, Munsingen, Switzerland
1984 Galerie Brechbuhl, Switzerland
1985 Galerie Steinmetz, Bonn, Germany
1986 The University Gallery, Leeds, England
1988 The Hawkesworth Gallery, Ilkley, England
1992 Richard Demarco Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland
1993 Galerie Bernhard Steinmetz, Bonn, Germany
2004 SteinmetzKunst - Deutsche Internet Galerie, Berlin, Germany
Numerous Group and Open Exhibitions in Switzerland, Germany, Israel, Canada,
Britain and the USA
1968 First International Print Biennale, Bradford, England
1970 Fifth International Triennale, Switzerland
1973 Photography into Art, Camden Arts Centre, London, England
1973 Sixth International Triennale, Switzerland
1974 Pratt Graphics Center Gallery, New York, USA
1976 Seventh International Triennale, Switzerland
1977 Art 8'77, Internationale Kunstmesse, Basel, Switzerland
1979 Eighth International Triennale, Switzerland
1980 Hull International Print Exhibition, England, England
1980 Fourth Miami International Biennale, Florida, USA
1980 World Print III, San Francisco, USA
1982 Ninth International Triennale, Switzerland
1985 Tenth lnternational Triennale, Switzerland
1988 'Grafische Kunst unserer Zeit', Switzerland
1997 Fourteenth International Triennale, Switzerland
In addition to the editions published by the artist himself, numerous print editions have been specially commissioned: