About Ave Igo[r]
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Event: "Fellini"
Dates: 29 Nov 2013 - 6 Mar 2014
Group Exhibition
Event: "Crossing Borders"
Dates: 8 Dec 2012 - 27 Jan 2013
Group Exhibition
In my childhood I used to study at art school. From then onwards I've been drawing and painting all through my life. I'm obsessed with observing and exploring the processes of change in the arts. There are two most intriguing mysteries which make me fall into thinking and take the painter's brush: the transformation of medieval arts to the Renaissance and the transition from Art Nouveau to what is usually defined for us as contemporary form.
Many of my works are often called "Realism" or "Neorealism" in terms of artistic manner, but I don't see them that way. My artistic intention is exactly the exploration of changes and transitions in art and, accordingly, in human, who exists during these changes. Ideally, I would add a short commentary to each of my works or even write a manifesto to all of them. But this would be a big project which I still have not brought myself to realize.