Olga Didyk

Joined Artfinder: Jan. 2023

Artworks for sale: 21


About Olga Didyk

  • Biography

    «Mykyta» Didyk Olga

    In 1995 she graduated from Ivan Trush Lviv State College of Decorative and Applied Arts, specialty - graphics.

    In 2005 she graduated from Ukrainian Academy of Printing ( Lviv city)

    The artist has been working under the

    pseudonym "Mykyta" since college time.

    She regularly participates in regional, personal and All-Ukrainian exhibitions.

    Her paintings have fans both in Ukraine and abroad (Germany, France, Japan, Moldova, Italy, USA, Poland, Spain, Portugal).

    The author tries to convey a variety mood of nature, different human’s inner experiences, her own impressions through color, rhythm, lines

    and stains in her paintings. She wants her paintings to bring positivity in people’s homes.

    She loves her family, her Bukovinian native land, classical music, horses and cherry pies.

    «Микита» Ольга Дідик

    У 1995 році закінчила Львівський коледж

    декоротивно-прикладного та ужиткового мистецтва ім. Ів.Труша, спеціальність - графіка.

    У 2005 році закінчила Львівську академію друкарства ім. Івана Федорова.

    Художниця працює під псевдонімом «Микита», ще з часів навчання в коледжі.

    Бере участь у регіональних, персональних та Всеукраїнських виставках.

    Її твори знайшли поціновувачів як в Україні, так і за кордоном (Німеччина, Франція, Японія, Молдова, Італія, США, Польша, Іспанія, Португалія, Греція).

    В своїх роботах автор намагається передати різноманітні настрої природи, внутрішні переживання людей, власні враженні через колір, ритм, лінії та плями, щоб вони несли позитив в оселі людей.

    Виховує з чоловіком трьох дітей, любить свою сім’ю, свій рідний Буковинський край, класичну музику, коней та пиріжки з вишнями.

  • Links
  • Education

    1998 - 2005

    Graduated from the Lviv Academy of Printing named after Ivan Fedorov.

    1992 - 1995

    She graduated from Lviv College of decorative and applied and applied art named after Iv. Trusha

  • Upcoming Events

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    Previous events

    Event: I All-Ukrainian Triennial "Abstract Art-2022

    Dates: 20 Oct 2023 - 11 Nov 2023

    Venue: National Union of Artists, st. Independence 53, Ivano-Frankivsk city, Ukraine

    An exhibition has opened in the exhibition hall of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine as part of the 1st All-Ukrainian Triennial "Abstract Art-2022". The exhibition will last from 20.10 - 10.11.2022. The work of the artist Mikita, Olga Didyk, also takes part in this exhibition.

    Event: two art exhibitions of the artist "Mikita" (Olga Didyk) and "Watercolor of the Four": young artists "Academy Art" students of Larisa Kuvaeva

    Dates: 23 Jan 2023 - 5 Feb 2018

    Venue: Vernissage Culture Center, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ivana Franka street 15

    Department of Culture of the Chernivtsi City CouncilCulture Center "Vernissage", Chernivtsi, I.Franko St. No. 15, the exhibition hall is open from 12:00 to 19:00 on January 23, 2018. Two art exhibitions of the artist "Mykyta" (Olga Didyk) and "Watercolor Four": young artists "Academy Art" students of Larisa Kuvaeva - Yulia Gologan, Valeria Dutka, Daria Bryukhovich, Sofia Belyavskaya. The exhibition will last until 2018-02-05.

    Event: 5th All-Ukrainian Triennial of Abstract Art "ART-ACT 2022"

    Dates: 18 Sep 2022 - 19 Oct 2022

    Venue: Vernissage Culture Center, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ivana Franka street 15

    My work takes part in the 5th All-Ukrainian Triennial of Abstract Art
    "ART-ACT 2022"
    Exhibition period: September 28 - October 19, 2022
    Venue: Chernivtsi, str. I.Franka, 15, Culture Center "Vernisage". It will be included in the catalog of this exhibition.

    Event: Regional open exhibition "ABSTRACT ART-21", Ivano-Frankivsk.

    Dates: 21 Jul 2021 - 14 Aug 2021

    Venue: National Union of Artists, st. Independence 53, Ivano-Frankivsk city, Ukraine

    Regional open exhibition "ABSTRACT ART-21", Ivano-Frankivsk. 07.21.21 - 08.14.2021. My work participated in this exhibition and is included in the catalog of this exhibition. Unofficial All-Ukrainian exhibition. Received a diploma for participation and a catalog.

    Event: Regional Art Exhibition dedicated to T.G. Shevchenko Day

    Dates: 5 Mar 2020 - 22 Mar 2020

    Venue: Vernissage Culture Center, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ivana Franka street 15

    Regional Art Exhibition dedicated to T.G. Shevchenko Day, Chernivtsi The exhibition was open from March 5, 2020. - 22.03.2020. My works, Mykyta (Olga Didyk), were also accepted in this exhibition.

    Event: The All-Ukrainian Christmas Exhibition in Kyiv

    Dates: 19 Dec 2019 - 12 Jan 2020

    Venue: The Central Artist House, Kyiv

    The All-Ukrainian Christmas Exhibition in Kyiv was exhibited on December 19, 2019 - January 12, 2020. In the exhibition hall of the Central Artist's House of NSHU. My work participated in this exhibition and is included in the catalog of this exhibition.

    Event: All-Ukrainian exhibition triennial "ART-AKT Chernivtsi

    Dates: 17 Oct 2019 - 3 Nov 2019

    Venue: Vernissage Culture Center, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ivana Franka street 15

    All-Ukrainian exhibition of the triennial “ART-AKT Chernivtsi 17.10.2019 - 03.11.2019. Musical accompaniment by the Tin group. Participation of the artist Mykyta ( Olga Didyk) in this exhibition

    Event: Personal exhibition "On the waves of nature" by the artist Olga Didyk, who works under the pseudonym "Mykyta".

    Dates: 2 Nov 2016 - 28 Nov 2016

    Venue: Personal exhibition, Chernivtsi Regional Art Museum

    In Chernivtsi, November 2, 2016. The exhibition "On the waves of nature" by the artist Olga Didyk, who works under the pseudonym "Mykyta", has opened. The exhibition will be held from November 2, 2016. to 28.11.2016



1998 - 2005

Graduated from the Lviv Academy of Printing named after Ivan Fedorov.

1992 - 1995

She graduated from Lviv College of decorative and applied and applied art named after Iv. Trusha

There are no upcoming events

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Previous events

Event: I All-Ukrainian Triennial "Abstract Art-2022

Dates: 20 Oct 2023 - 11 Nov 2023

Venue: National Union of Artists, st. Independence 53, Ivano-Frankivsk city, Ukraine

An exhibition has opened in the exhibition hall of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine as part of the 1st All-Ukrainian Triennial "Abstract Art-2022". The exhibition will last from 20.10 - 10.11.2022. The work of the artist Mikita, Olga Didyk, also takes part in this exhibition.

Event: two art exhibitions of the artist "Mikita" (Olga Didyk) and "Watercolor of the Four": young artists "Academy Art" students of Larisa Kuvaeva

Dates: 23 Jan 2023 - 5 Feb 2018

Venue: Vernissage Culture Center, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ivana Franka street 15

Department of Culture of the Chernivtsi City CouncilCulture Center "Vernissage", Chernivtsi, I.Franko St. No. 15, the exhibition hall is open from 12:00 to 19:00 on January 23, 2018. Two art exhibitions of the artist "Mykyta" (Olga Didyk) and "Watercolor Four": young artists "Academy Art" students of Larisa Kuvaeva - Yulia Gologan, Valeria Dutka, Daria Bryukhovich, Sofia Belyavskaya. The exhibition will last until 2018-02-05.

Event: 5th All-Ukrainian Triennial of Abstract Art "ART-ACT 2022"

Dates: 18 Sep 2022 - 19 Oct 2022

Venue: Vernissage Culture Center, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ivana Franka street 15

My work takes part in the 5th All-Ukrainian Triennial of Abstract Art
"ART-ACT 2022"
Exhibition period: September 28 - October 19, 2022
Venue: Chernivtsi, str. I.Franka, 15, Culture Center "Vernisage". It will be included in the catalog of this exhibition.

Event: Regional open exhibition "ABSTRACT ART-21", Ivano-Frankivsk.

Dates: 21 Jul 2021 - 14 Aug 2021

Venue: National Union of Artists, st. Independence 53, Ivano-Frankivsk city, Ukraine

Regional open exhibition "ABSTRACT ART-21", Ivano-Frankivsk. 07.21.21 - 08.14.2021. My work participated in this exhibition and is included in the catalog of this exhibition. Unofficial All-Ukrainian exhibition. Received a diploma for participation and a catalog.

Event: Regional Art Exhibition dedicated to T.G. Shevchenko Day

Dates: 5 Mar 2020 - 22 Mar 2020

Venue: Vernissage Culture Center, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ivana Franka street 15

Regional Art Exhibition dedicated to T.G. Shevchenko Day, Chernivtsi The exhibition was open from March 5, 2020. - 22.03.2020. My works, Mykyta (Olga Didyk), were also accepted in this exhibition.

Event: The All-Ukrainian Christmas Exhibition in Kyiv

Dates: 19 Dec 2019 - 12 Jan 2020

Venue: The Central Artist House, Kyiv

The All-Ukrainian Christmas Exhibition in Kyiv was exhibited on December 19, 2019 - January 12, 2020. In the exhibition hall of the Central Artist's House of NSHU. My work participated in this exhibition and is included in the catalog of this exhibition.

Event: All-Ukrainian exhibition triennial "ART-AKT Chernivtsi

Dates: 17 Oct 2019 - 3 Nov 2019

Venue: Vernissage Culture Center, Ukraine, Chernivtsi, Ivana Franka street 15

All-Ukrainian exhibition of the triennial “ART-AKT Chernivtsi 17.10.2019 - 03.11.2019. Musical accompaniment by the Tin group. Participation of the artist Mykyta ( Olga Didyk) in this exhibition

Event: Personal exhibition "On the waves of nature" by the artist Olga Didyk, who works under the pseudonym "Mykyta".

Dates: 2 Nov 2016 - 28 Nov 2016

Venue: Personal exhibition, Chernivtsi Regional Art Museum

In Chernivtsi, November 2, 2016. The exhibition "On the waves of nature" by the artist Olga Didyk, who works under the pseudonym "Mykyta", has opened. The exhibition will be held from November 2, 2016. to 28.11.2016



«Mykyta» Didyk Olga

In 1995 she graduated from Ivan Trush Lviv State College of Decorative and Applied Arts, specialty - graphics.

In 2005 she graduated from Ukrainian Academy of Printing ( Lviv city)

The artist has been working under the

pseudonym "Mykyta" since college time.

She regularly participates in regional, personal and All-Ukrainian exhibitions.

Her paintings have fans both in Ukraine and abroad (Germany, France, Japan, Moldova, Italy, USA, Poland, Spain, Portugal).

The author tries to convey a variety mood of nature, different human’s inner experiences, her own impressions through color, rhythm, lines

and stains in her paintings. She wants her paintings to bring positivity in people’s homes.

She loves her family, her Bukovinian native land, classical music, horses and cherry pies.

«Микита» Ольга Дідик

У 1995 році закінчила Львівський коледж

декоротивно-прикладного та ужиткового мистецтва ім. Ів.Труша, спеціальність - графіка.

У 2005 році закінчила Львівську академію друкарства ім. Івана Федорова.

Художниця працює під псевдонімом «Микита», ще з часів навчання в коледжі.

Бере участь у регіональних, персональних та Всеукраїнських виставках.

Її твори знайшли поціновувачів як в Україні, так і за кордоном (Німеччина, Франція, Японія, Молдова, Італія, США, Польша, Іспанія, Португалія, Греція).

В своїх роботах автор намагається передати різноманітні настрої природи, внутрішні переживання людей, власні враженні через колір, ритм, лінії та плями, щоб вони несли позитив в оселі людей.

Виховує з чоловіком трьох дітей, любить свою сім’ю, свій рідний Буковинський край, класичну музику, коней та пиріжки з вишнями.